Clam safe fish

Nola Bear

New member
My wife is pushing for a clam. I've always held off. I've been reading up the last week or so, but there is a ton of conflicting/questionable stuff out there on the various forums, etc.

What's your take on safe fish(understanding that each fish personality and temperament is different)?

I have the following

Yellow tang
Black osc
Starry Blenny
Springer damsel
Longnose hawk
Ornate leopard
Valentini puffer (will be removed soon, especially prior to purchase of any clam)

I'm still not sold on getting a clam, but want your experience

Much appreciated!
Looks safe to me but don’t know anything about the hawk fish. Clams are great and easy to care for if u have good lighting and maintain 2 part. My clam is the center piece of my tank. Haven’t measured him but about 16 inches long have had him for 8 years
Looks safe to me but don't know anything about the hawk fish. Clams are great and easy to care for if u have good lighting and maintain 2 part. My clam is the center piece of my tank. Haven't measured him but about 16 inches long have had him for 8 years

Thanks Roger! Yeah, all I've read is that since Hawks perch, they can irritate the clam, but are not predatory.

I'm surprised to read that people say to avoid tangs.

This is the list (some obvious) that I've compiled from various forums of fish to avoid with clams.
Some wrasses
Some blennies
Thanks Roger! Yeah, all I've read is that since Hawks perch, they can irritate the clam, but are not predatory.

I'm surprised to read that people say to avoid tangs.

This is the list (some obvious) that I've compiled from various forums of fish to avoid with clams.
Some wrasses
Some blennies

My Flame angle didn't bother ANYTHING, ......... except my clam. Took it out in about 2 minutes!!!