Claudio´s 350G Reef

Well, i'm planning a mix reef. With Fishes, SPS, LPS and Soft Corals.
I´ve started making a list of some fish i wish to have in my tank.
Here it goes:

- 1 Couple of Amphiprion percula (Clown Percula True)

- 1 Acanthurus Achilles (Achilles Tang)
- 1 Acanthurus sohal (Sohal Tang)
- 1 Acanthurus leucosternon (Powder Blue Tang)
- 1 Acanthurus japonicus (Powder Brown Tang)
- 1 Acanthurus lineatus (Clown Tang)
- 1 Zebrasoma flavescens (Yellow Tang)
- 1 Ctenochaetus hawaiiensis (Chevron Tang)
- 1 Zebrasoma rostratum (Black Tang)
- 1 Zebrasoma xanthurum (Purple Tang)

- 1 Centropyge loricula (Flame Angel)

- 1 Neocirrhites armatus (Flame Hawkfish)

- 1 Oxycirrhites typus (Longnose Hawkfish)

- 1 Chelmon rostratus (Copperband Butterfly)

- 4 Pseudanthias barlettorum (Bartlett Anthias) or 4 Pseudanthias squamipinnis (Lyretail Anthias)

I'm going for the Percula True first. From the Tangs i´ll choose about 7 of those that are listed. There are a few more fishes i wish, like a mandarin, but i´m not sure about them yet. I'am also thinking on put all the tangs together, at the same time, to avoid fights over territories.
As i´ve not decided anything for sure yet, all opinions are most welcome.
your list of fish is impressive but 9 tangs in that system is way of an overkill i find it almost imposible that an achilles & a sohal would get along in that size of a tank and then you even throw a clown & a powder blue all those acanthurus are dominating fish there's going to be to many generals fighting to be boss your better off keeping one acanthurus with the rest of your tang selection

That's amazing thread - great job!!! :thumbsup:

May you consider to make some reinforcements on your stand - look at the Dave.M considerations.

Are you in cycling phase right now? I'm very curious about your strategies to do this stuff - I don't known what are you going to do, but is it possible to use cocktail-shrimp schema in a big tank like yours?

Regards from sampa!








