Clementines growth


New member
I've been seeing alot of clems in ebay acutions and forum sales, are they just pretty quick growers? I mean even when Hornets were the 'in' thing you didn't see any mini colonies? That being said how long until the price drops like with eagle eyes?
hard to say... my guess is quite some time... i actually plan on purchasing a couple soon... but i also know i will be paying for them... these and utter chaos are two im looking forward to...
The chaos palys will come down quicker as they grow pretty quick but the my clementines will probably stay pretty high. I have both and the clementines are def not fast. Even slower than rastas.
my rastas grow like crazy... no lie... so maybe the clementines will do well for me in time as well ;)
tank environment / care etc... can be a deciding factor in how 1 specific polyp grows, thrives or Doesn't. Just because one polyp thrives in one persons tank doesn't guarantee the same factor in someone else's
Originally Posted by Pallobi
my rastas grow like crazy... no lie... so maybe the clementines will do well for me in time as well
Any secret????