close up pics

Andrew I always enjoy looking at your photos... Is this what you would like to do when you are all grown up??? I could imagine seeing your pictures in magazines...

TheBimbo... :)
your tank is AWESOME!
and to think, i was in Tucson a couple months ago and didn't even get to see it in person :( boohoo :lol:
Thanks for the compliments. Just to clarifyu, this is not my tank. It belongs to Ed, a fellow Tucson Reefers club member. I was taking tank photos for the club over the weekend.

I have a softy tank that I will be poisting pics of this weekend.
Thanks for the compliments. Just to clarifyu, this is not my tank. It belongs to Ed, a fellow Tucson Reefers club member. I was taking tank photos for the club over the weekend.

I have a softy tank that I will be poisting pics of this weekend.