close up pics

Grego, 10cm is only 4" away. That should be just fine. Once you are in Macro-mode, use the zoom to bring the object closer. Auto-focus by depressing the shutter button half way, then keeping the camera very still, take the shot.
My mantis
look this is the closest pic I could take, but I would like to get closer like the ones you can even see the tisue or so
gregt said:
Wow! That's not MY mantis is it?

No I lost your little guy about 6 months ago. He was so cool I had to have another one. This one was yours.

bradleyj said:
Very nice Landon, where did you get your green ones?

Pacific East/Dr Mac's auqaculture

i'll be sure to get more from them. i've got 5 or so SPS, a red lobo, and those zoas from them, and they are my best looking corals.