Clownfish eggs


New member
Well my clown for the first time has laid eggs.


Well Ive heard the first couple batches of eggs are the weakest why I dont really know. As far as raising clowns get a seperate tank with a hang on the back filter and a heater and grow some rotifers and phyto for food. I literally gave you just a tip of the iceberg and theres plenty of videos on YouTube that high light on raising clown fish fry through there different phases of life. Good luck and keep us posted if you do end up raising them.
Heard it is a full-time job to raise them. Mine lay eggs all the time but sorry to say it is literally fresh caviar for the other fish and cleaner shrimp in the tank.
Once they start laying eggs, they process continues on. A week after the eggs hatch, they lay another batch. If you are trying to raise the young, prepare for a full time job.
raising the babies will be, to say the least, and experience in "how much can I take"? If you have a full time job, wife, kids... don't even attempt it as it will consume your entire schedule.

On the other hand, if your willing to put in the time, then raising the clutch is an experience.