Clownfish having spasms? Frekin out!!!


New member
Hey reefers,

A month and a half ago I decided to join the salt water family. Decided to get the FUSION 30L. Long story short the cycle was completed and I decided to get a pair of clown on Friday the 6th. Today I've noticed that one of them has what it seems to be a white spot in the mouth but what made me freaked out was what I saw him/her having what I would call spasms? I was able to record two videos showing exactly what I saw. Already did a LOT of research and it seems that a lot of people have different opinions about what it can be.

They are eating perfectly fine.

GO TO 0:35 - Look how it shakes...

GO TO 0:20 - Same thing happens and you can see some of the white stuff that I mentioned above.

Here's another one.

I'm so worried specially cuz I'm new to this world.
Usually the male (less dominant and smaller) will do this to show submission. Ive seen this in numerous tanks when the bigger clown postures up to the smaller clown in dominance.

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I didn't see anything unusual in their behavior. They might be looking for a nesting site.

+1 I agree nothing abnormal that I saw

Looks normal just deciding which is the male and which is the female

Mine do that too

Usually the male (less dominant and smaller) will do this to show submission. Ive seen this in numerous tanks when the bigger clown postures up to the smaller clown in dominance.

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Thanks a lot to all of you guys that came here with your inputs. I feel a lot relief.
Clownfish show submission by one essentially rolling on their side and shaking/shivering.

You are seeing a very mild example of that at 0:35 in your video.

Whenever I have housed two non-bonded clownfish I always bought one that was clearly an adult and another that was clearly a juvenile to help with the process.

Yours look fairly similar in size -- so I would expect a bit of violence as they figure out who is the boss.
It is the normal clownfish "communication", nothing to be concerned about at all.

Also notice that they say clicking sounds to eachother.

Regarding the problem you've mentioned;
I cannot see the white stuff you've mentioned in the video, but "white stuff" can be several things.
If it's "woolly" at all, like have little prickly white stuff, then it is a fungus and can be treated with organic tonics for the same.
If it is the common "ich" it will be little critters in the flesh that escapes the tissue of the fish leaving little sores and the fish will usually start feeling "scratchy" and uncomfortable. That can also be treated and leaves you some time to reach. I'm not gonna throw recommendations for treatments, as we really don't know exactly what problem the fish have.

I would guess that the "white stuff" would be one of the two.
Some rarer conditions of "white stuff" are around though, but that's the most common. Remember to work "smarter not harder" with the tank, it should be possible to cure it even if it does have something so don't panic.

This is a really good page in regards to diagnosing clownfish ailments::