Club Meeting Next Weekend!

I will bring what I have to the meeting to print cards, this has not been done and should be addressed. I personally appreciate Marty stepping in to hold this meeting. We very much need some new blood in here to take over some of the responsibilities.

Dave and the Crew at Kermits have been great for this club, but we should have been providing the cards to the "paid members" and provided him with a list of our members as well since his business has been as good as supporting this group as he has.

In that way this "club" has not done as it should, but we all should also remember that this is supposed to be a club and it takes volunteers to do the tasks that are needed just as there are in any club. We hope that anyone who really wants to get involved, please come out on Sunday.

Ah... well after working 57-hours this week :headwally: my head really hurts.

But even my sore noodle can see that Line Item #1 is still, "Welcome New Members".

To my way of thinking, that would include New Cards, which Kermit's magnanimously honors with a discount.

I guess we'll talk Sunday. Right?
Bill and Marty if there's anything that I could do as a member to get us back on track Ill be happy to do it.Im moving into my slow season at work soon so Ill have more time for stuff.Just let me know Sunday night.
You're a beautiful person Jon, thanks.


There's something you can do: Secretary, Treasurer, Volunteer Coordinator, general awareness. We'l talk, but it's that type of energy and enthusiasm and TIME (mostly) that we've been deficient in.

See you Sunday!
Dr. J: It should be your first item on the agenda on Sunday....and Marty is off to a good start, he picked the only Sunday in 2011 that I was not available to attend a meeting. I think the odds of 1/52 seem suspect......

Whoops. Sorry we'll Miss you Kerry. Bill can mail you your card.
I updated the WTMRAC website with the meeting info. Over the next couple of weeks, I am going to be updating and revamping the website to get it current and more exciting, also with more useful info for everyone of whats going on in the reef world, as well as in the Memphis area.

UPDATE*: Well, for some reason, the website will not update with the new meeting info. I will be working on it to get it updated........
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ok now that I have your attention
Everyone go to your tanks and fish me out all the tiny little asternia starfish you can grab :)
Im tying to repopulate my tank for my harlequin.He eats chocolate chips stars when he can get them but he likes to hunt the tiny ones too.
So seriuosly if anyone has the extra time to scoop out a few and bring them to the meeting I will be in your debt, ie: if you ever need the services of a personal chef something could be arranged :)
Ok, I finally figured out the website and got the meeting page updated. Apparently, my hosting company moved me to a new server which is supposedly 6.5 times faster. Just had to change my IP address while publishing the page. Hope to get the rest of the site updated soon! :)
i just wanted to confirm that the meeting is tomorrow? Right?

Yes. Sunday evening. 24-July 5-6PM start. Details at the top of this thread.

Everyone go to your tanks and fish me out all the tiny little asternia starfish you can grab

I Just knocked some nice ones off my (clean) glass. (Clean, because the reeef club is coming over and its considered tacky, when the hosts tank look like mine does right now. (It hasn't been "feelin' the love" lately either!)

And Jon, YOU can always bring a dish to pass. :D
No eats Marty but I am bringing some mushrooms (some hairy ones and a baby Blue Striped one) for beginners or anyone else maybe for trade :)

Jay is that your old tank in the picture on the webpage? Looks so nice...