Club Meeting Next Weekend!

I wanted to be there really bad too . I miss you guys . I needed to be there to give away some corals and Cheato too ...I am getting over crowded here. I was excited to see new people interested in the club. I will make it back to a meeting someday .
Jon I just read a new article in Coral Magazine about the dangers of cardon. I will see if I can find it and post.
Hey guys I still am lurking around.Just wish it wasn't so far of a drive to catch a few meetings.There will be several of us down for the frag swap.
ok now that I have your attention
Everyone go to your tanks and fish me out all the tiny little asternia starfish you can grab :)
Im tying to repopulate my tank for my harlequin.He eats chocolate chips stars when he can get them but he likes to hunt the tiny ones too.
So seriuosly if anyone has the extra time to scoop out a few and bring them to the meeting I will be in your debt, ie: if you ever need the services of a personal chef something could be arranged :)

JON~~~~ I have tons and tons and tons ..l lol you can have them they are over crowding my 56 gallon and as much as i love starfish lmao .. they are wayyy too much lol .. call butthead and ill mention it to him tonight so give him a call 5735492 lol .. :eek:
Also ,new members are great but where are some of the old members?? Barrett and SnakeManVet Ryan T.....I know DolphinFan moved away and Granny moved too....where was ReefDiver and her son?

Logiq Im so glad to have finally met you. Our club needs young blood so if you havent officially joined I hope you do.

I got rid of all my tanks a few years ago. I let my membership expire back then. I am in the process of setting up a new one if my stand is ever delivered. I will be rejoining soon.
Great meeting tonight! It was nice to put faces to some of the names here on the boards ! To those that asked for a pic of my tank there you go.
Looking forward to the frag swap and seeing some of your tanks{ Logiq Rudolph and SaltwaterGoby} show us those glass boxes :)
Im excited for our club and thanks To Indra and Marty for Having us tonight and thanks to those that spoke up with future venues.
Good days people good days :)

Here is a pic of my 75G tank Jon. Kind of hard to see the corals from afar, but will try to post some close ups later...

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One of my favorite parts of my aquarium is the woodwork on my stand and canopy. I have had this for quite a while...I used to have a planted Discus tank that was a lot of fun. I had some huge Discuss from Jack Whatley (visited his place in Miami) that were gorgeous and in a planted tank. My wife talked me into trying salt water when we came to Memphis.

Great discussion Folks.

Obviously, we need MORE MEETINGS!!!

Currently available are:

....starting to get the Picture??
I live 1.5 hours from the bridge and would love to host a meeting/Sunday afternoon cook out. I would throw in free frag to compensate for gas for all who attend. I know this is not likely but it is always available if anyone is interested.
