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New member
Wow! I have been following a couple of your threads at your new forum and I am really surprised at what is going on there! The last thread I was looking at was:,21.0.html

I did not finish reading the thread because I could not take any more of the politics. I just wanted to say a few things as an outsider about what is going on.

It appears some of the members have some issues with the LFS and this is really nothing new. Some of the issues were that not all the LFS supported you and not all of them would give you a discount. I am not sure why SWAM feels like they are entitled to a discount since they are a very very small part of the LFS business. From what I see SWAM is a very very small group and if you never shop at any of the LFS it will not hurt them at all.

I am a business owner that has nothing to do with reefs, corals, saltwater or anything remotely close to that industry. I am in the hobby and know most of the LFS people and a few of the SWAM people. I have actually been to a few of your meetings.

I am not sure why people get upset when they get an attitude when they ask a business owner for a discount. Some people will just give that reaction.

As far as your sponsors are concerned, I think you will see them disappear after they see how the President of your club feels about people in this industry trying to make a living. I am the owner of a small corporation for the past 10 years. As a business I would not sponsor someone who attacks the people who do what I do locally.

Anyway I just wanted to make a comment here since I did not want to join your new forum. I hope things work out for you in the future. It sound like Mike E has a lot of good ideas to point you in the right direction.
The link I provided goes to the wrong thread but I am sure you all know which thread I was talking about.

Steve, I really don't see why you would choose to take this club matter to the general public but here's my 2 cents worth. Since you already stated you are not a member of SWAM you really don't have a say in what goes on there. That's my guess why you brought it HERE. Just my opinion, everyone is welcome to theirs. btw, if this issue brings more people to the SWAM website which you so conveniently provided, the better. We ARE a small club. We ARE new and just learning. We need to take baby steps before we can run with the ball. And we welcome all people interested in the salt water hobby to join us. We also have a forum devoted to fresh water as most of our members have fresh water tanks too. Thanks for the free publicity and remember it has been said "there is no such thing as BAD publicity". Happy reefing, Sue
I'm a SWAM member and the BS that's going on drove me away from the site. I plan to return when all the bickering is done. It's a real shame especially since there is such an excellent knowledge base in the club. Too bad to have one or two people screw it up, but they persist and seem to forget that it's simply a hobby (supposed to be fun, aren't they)?

In the meantime though, there's plenty of good info (and old friends) here.

Steve, I think if you return you'll find the dust has settled and the issues brought up are being addressed. Nice to hear from you. I agree the good outweighs the bad by far. See you soon. Sue
I appreciate the input of Scunan, it is exactly what the club does not need and it should be made known... a newcomer coming to view the club meeting posts would be turned off to say the least... not a good way to recruit new members or interested parties IMO...I have asked that it be moved someplace else....

The major issue that finally got around to wsa that I was considered and LFS, far from it but I do service aquariums and can get stuff for those that need it, mostly it is for my service clients... it finally came down to calling it a commercial interest, as the club intends to go non-profit, it was decided that I or any other commercial interest, should not at least have a voting postion as I was on the BOO... I am cool with that,

I totally agree with the local business theme too... as far as any business goes... local and small, I dislike the big block stores or whatever they are called, no service and no knowledge BAsically threatening LFS if they donnot support the club is not in the best interest of the club.. they should not be punished for whatever reason they chose not to... the club will not make or break any LFS and the club should not even insinuate that


Steve please do at least lurk and chime in,
If it is so bad, why are you perpetuating it here as Sue noted? Was one thread on one website not enough?

i would be sorry to lose members, but so far I have noted that the complaints ar from LFS and very few private members- so far, the only private member to complain is referenced above. Out of over 35... And even that one has only withdrawn from the website and not the club as he noted in an PM to me. That says something I think about the 'fun' that is still there within the club.

Am I a bad apple to be protecting the club and our BOO from personal liability in a conflict of interest situation?? You are right, a club is a club and a hobby is a hobby but when you take money and donations you have a legal responsibility and a personal liabilty, which you a business owner should be able to recognize. Do you put salt on your sidewalk?

Please do not make this about people. It is about business. Any attempt to do otherwise is unethical and irresponsible.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9248710#post9248710 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Hedonist
I totally agree with the local business theme too... as far as any business goes... local and small, I dislike the big block stores or whatever they are called, no service and no knowledge BAsically threatening LFS if they donnot support the club is not in the best interest of the club.. they should not be punished for whatever reason they chose not to... the club will not make or break any LFS and the club should not even insinuate that


Steve please do at least lurk and chime in,

This is not helping anyone but yourself as a commerical interest and I am highly disappointed that you posted it here.

You slam the 'big block' LFS, and then try to support the "other" LFS? How is that neutral?? You can have your own opinon as any other- but your own opinon does not agree with itself as stated in other threads.

We as a club have not claimed to make or break an LFS. It WAS noted that LFS do rely on reefer business, we are reefers, and threfore they are driving away potential business with this kind of behavior. I completely support that.

No one wanted to 'punish' an LFS. And I am very disappointed that you twisted those words to insinuate that we did- absolutely disrespectful of the club and the memebrs in that thread. In the thread posted, you will see me say SEVERAL times that we welcome LFS owners as potential private members with or without club sponsorship of their businesses.

We encourage sponsors to be patronized by members of our club, yes. DOes that punish other clubs? NO! Because they have just as much right to become a sponsor and reap the same benefits. If they do not, that is up to them. I have even gone to lengths to publically welcome LFS and that slam us as Denise and scunan are here if they change their minds. It boggles my mind to even see this brought up.

I will NOT miss this sort of conversation.

From Scunan:

"I did not finish reading the thread because I could not take any more of the politics. I just wanted to say a few things as an outsider about what is going on."

What a way to go off half cocked.

Wow, what a way to revive a dead thread and move it to RC where there are more people to see it. Isn't it interesting that an LFS started the thread. Things that make you go HUMMMM!
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I guess I am sorry that I chimed in here. I have been coming here for as long as SWAM has been on Reef Central and reading all the threads to see what is happening with the club. I checked out what seemed to be interesting to me which was what appeared to be some nice people in the same hobby as myself.

I went to check out the new SWAM forum since it is posted on here. News flash your new forum is public and if you want it private you should have usernames and passwords so that only SWAM members can view what is going on with the club and not the general public.

When I went to check out your new site and forum I realized that things were getting pretty vicious. So I decided not to set up an account on your new forum and come back here where I have been coming for a long time to leave my comments.

It looks like some people are on a power trip here with their new authority to run a hobbyist club as a business. The comment about it is only business has been made quite a few times. It appears that you do not have a clue about business whether you are educated or not.

I find this all very entertaining while taking a break from the snow. I really am sorry to have expressed my opinion. Have a very nice day.
This issue is being dealt with on the site that it originated. Please post all the peanut gallery comments here.

I will not check this thread again and I suggest anyone that loves the hobby and not the drama do the same.

Also in no way do we force anyone to give members a discount. If a shop doesn't offer a discount they should be polite enough to just say no and leave it at that.

Thank you,
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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9249414#post9249414 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by scunan

It looks like some people are on a power trip here with their new authority to run a hobbyist club as a business. It appears that you do not have a clue about business whether you are educated or not.

Wow, cheap shot. I won't be back either per Dave
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