CO2 bottle source locally?

LOL Marco has gone so mad from trying to run spa-flex he is now talking to himself online instead of in his head.
lol dude your nuts, I've got a 10 pound tank that is over a year old and is still at least half full. And my calium reactor is about needing a refill on media. My calcium was 420 last time i checked thou, even with my monster clams and large caps, its a great investment.
so whats wrong with a 20 lbs bottle? do i look like i want to jank the bottle off in a year & have it refilled? no! now i won't have to deal with it for 2 years ;-)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9464919#post9464919 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by keinreis
LOL Marco has gone so mad from trying to run spa-flex he is now talking to himself online instead of in his head. [/QUOT

lol that is too funny
that bottle should last you more like 3 plus years my friend... your volume should total about mine and i've got half a bottle left after running it for just over a year now and thats a 10 pound bottle so you do the math...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9474704#post9474704 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by coralfarmer84
that bottle should last you more like 3 plus years my friend... your volume should total about mine and i've got half a bottle left after running it for just over a year now and thats a 10 pound bottle so you do the math...

go to work, and quit straining your mind with complicated math problems!
regulator works well .... tonight we spray painted the bottle ... but i think i'll sand it down & do it again in a few days.