CO2 Brass Valve not working...?


Active member
Hi, I ordered this valve:


and I was going to use it with my Aqua Medic Reefdoser for dosing Kalk, since the cheap plastic Tetra valves keep clogging every two days. I noticed that this valve will not even open up, like it's permanently clogged :confused: I even tried it with my AquaLifter pump and still not working. Even tried it both directions (yes, I saw the arrows) and still nothing.

Can i just return it and get a store credit? I will just buy something else. No Kalk has ever passed thru it since it won't even open. How do I go about doing this?

that's a CO2 check valve and your Aqua Lifer doesn't have the pressure required to open it, it's also not intended for water.

MarineDepot's site states:
These are the highest quality industrial-grade Brass Check Valve from German Air Pressure Systems. They are heavy-duty enough for food-grade liquid as well.

This pretty much tells me I can use it for liquid, correct?
Also, the CO2 pressure after the needle valve is not that much (~1 BPS) Even at such small pressure, the check valve should have opened already. This thing is tightly shut!

Any way I can open it and try to "adjust" something inside?

thanks in advance
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the pressure after the needle valve is the same pressure set at the regulator, normally between 10-25psi, the needle valve only limits the volume allowed to pass. as far as the liquid goes, as stated it's not Intended for liquid use, lots of things out there you can use out of their intended design but when you do, don't complain when they don't work.

you also do not want to use anything that has liquid in contact with brass going to a marine tank due to copper leeching.
Dear Jet,

I appreciate your "help", but I would greatly appreciate it if a MarineDepot staff could help me instead.

Thank you

Thank you for your post, I apologize for the delay. The brass check valve is not intended for liquid use, especially with Kalkwasser in a marine tank. The kalkwasser will start to corrode the brass and leach into your tank.

As far as your needle valve, you should slowly open the valve on your CO2 tank and adjust your needle valve accordingly. The pressure after the needle valve is the same pressure set at the regulator, the needle valve only limits the volume allowed to pass this is where you can fine tune how many bubbles per minute go thru your bubble counter. If you have any further questions please feel free to contact us at 714.385.0080

Walter F
Marine Depot Customer Services
714.385.0080 Phone
714.385.0180 Fax