Collecting Your Own Fish


New member
For me, one of the greatest elements of this hobby is collecting my own fish rather than a quick drive to the LFS.

Who else captures their own fish? Would love to see photographs and hear stories.
Okay, well since i started this thread, ill go first!

Below is my "Bucket Pic" from a recent dive (free dive). These fish were on a reef at about 6m deep and the Flame Back Angel took me 2 hours to catch! What an escape artist.

Fish are as follows:
1x Flame Back Angel or Jumping Bean where i am from (Centropyge Acanthops)
1x "Kleinii Butterfly" (Chaetdon Kleinii)
1x "Old Woman Angel" Pomocanthus Rhomboides
1x "Cleaner Wrasse" (Lamroides Dimidiatus)
3x Atnhias (Pseudoanthias Squamipinnis)

Where i am from, we only get Juvi fish that have been brought down from Durban on the warm current.
My last dive the water temp dropped from 24 degrees Celc to 14 degrees celc in a space of 3 days, killing off many fish. however i was able to get 4 x Anthias and a Coral Banded Shrimp:

I've tried my hand at it and I have caught all kinds of fish for all kinds of different tanks. Mostly wrasses due to the trick to catching them that I found.
i collect. lotsa fun to go out and get what you were set on.....a new facet to the hobby.


This is my fav, I caught it some years back and with a lot of work it survived the cyclone Oswald power outage and a prolonged attack in my bottom tank from the conspic and the imperator.

This is it when I collected it on the same day with its very young mimic pyroferus tang.
Here are a couple of latz a mate wanted along with a couple of other specific fish for his display tank, the latz were for his breeding program. This sort of thing is good; it keeps me from getting bored due to not doing much collecting any more. Latz are good like this, there are four pairs there and once in the tubs they pair up again with original mate and sit off to one side, no aggression at all with thess guys, top fish and on eof my favs of our common local fish.
Great fish guys. WOW! this specimens are truly amazing!

Thats awesome the gem is still kickin. I remember when you caught it :)

Yeah! Been a very very long time :) I believe it is not living in a tank in Johannesburg. They system it was in closed down and he fish needed a home
Very cool!

What are the different techniques and tools used to catch one's own fish? (other than cheating with chemicals of course ;))

Do you use a net (like in post #14) and try to back them in?

Here is a pistol shrimp I caught back during the summer:

baby mangrove snapper