College Student and Student Memberships!!


New member
Just wanted to clear up a little confusion on the issue with "Student Memberships". WE WANT COLLEGE STUDENTS INVOLVED!! and for the last several years the club has been taking college students at the student rate, regardless of age.

That being said,

The "By laws of the club" currently read as follows:

"Section 5 Student members shall consist of those members who are under eighteen (18) years of age. Applicants under fourteen (14) years of age cannot apply for membership unless a parent of guardian joins. Student members, regardless of charter membership affiliations, may not hold office or vote."

This however has not been enforced for the last several years(as well as a few others by-laws ), and needs to be written as it will be followed.

We have a committee that was appointed in November that is currently reviewing the by laws and a report and recommendation for changes (To assure we are following the By laws) will be given at the next club meeting in February (time and place to be announced by end of this week.

We want to make sure that the confusion about any of our By-laws and enforcement of those is consistent, but at the present time (and most likely the foreseeable future) we want College students and understand that most college students are struggling, and the most of us I feel would rather have the college students active and involved in the club, and spend that extra $20.00 on there aquariums by using that money at one of our two local club sponsers establishments.

So please college students, Join, send in your $10.00 and then spend that extra $20.00 at "Memfish" or "Kermits"!!

Bill Hampton, Current "straw Boss" ie President of WTMRAC!!
Ok... I realize it took me a while I finally paid my membership and joined. I was reading some of the posts so I signed up as a regular person did the 30.00 one.
my little nano sucks up my income..
every discount helps to "justify" my purchases..

ahh the joys of being a poor college student..
To those that are new memeber's ..... Welcome To The Club!!! ... And show us some pictures of your tanks .. It will be great to see everyone at the meeting next month ...