Component +1 +2 +3


New member
Good Morning,

I want to use the "component +1, +2, +3" product. I have doubts about
its use.

I read in various forums that I must add the same quantity of
component +1, component +2 and component +3 based on consumption of
KH. And then, I must adjust Ca y Mg with "Calcium" and "Magnesium" products.

In my case, my aquarium has an daily consumption of 0.8 KH and 2.7
Ca. If I add 30ml of component +1 (To raise the KH to 0.8) and I add
30ml of component +2, I will raise the Ca to 5.4 (more than I need).

How should it do it?

Thank you for your help
We recommend to establish a uniform dose according to consumption KH and every Components dosing in the same dose.
Component1+2+3+ contains microelements also that's why it will be better to dose Ca or Mg if you need separately besides Component1+2+3+ - if You need ofcourse.
But in health system every macroelements will be consumed in good proportions and You could use Every Components in the same dose.
Ok! thank you for your reply.

Then, I will change the programation of my pumps.

I will add 30 ml of component +2 to reach the 0.8 KH of daily consumption and 30 ml of component +1 and component +3. With this configuration, I think that the Ca will have a significant increase. I understand that, with the time, the values will be adjusted automatically because consumption of Ca will increase. It is correct?