Conductivity Probe ????


New member
Ok well I calibrated my probe after cleaning it. I reads 50mS on the profulix fluid. I calibrated my refractormeter and tested the water it reads 53mS (35ppt) And my probe is reading 57.8 mS what gives ? Is there a way to put in 53 as what my probe should be reading manually ?
Thought this was all covered 4 weeks ago in your conductivity thread back then?

In that thread it covered all what to trust and expect. You can find the old thread by doing a forum search.

yes, but with caution as salinity is very sensitive to your tank inhabitants, and why trust a refractometer that relies on human eye accuracy and light refraction over a probe that costs in excess of $250+++

Just be careful what basket you put your eggs in ;)
ok well i recalibrated it again today put in my tank it read the tank to be 57.7 mS so im slowly takin out water and adding ro/di to the tank until its down to 53. I would randomly tke the probe out rinse it and place in the 50ms fluid and it would read 50-50.1 so ill stick with believing the probe as you say.