Confused on what I would need

If I bought the 499 special what else would I need to buy to control all of the following
3 60" VHO actinics T-12 on Icecap 660 ballast
3 60" VHO Aquasuns T-12 on icecap 660 ballast
Ozone generator
2 Tunze 6100 pumps
2 Seio pumps
skimmer pump for feeding time
1 led moonlight

I hope I remembered everything. I'm in the Detroit MI area if that matters.

Hi, how ever many plugs the 6 bulb VHO setup has will already be connected to the 6-outlet Digital Power Bar. For Ozone, you would also need to buy the Redox Interface and Redox probe. Since the starter pack already includes one Tunze cable, you would need one more Tunze cable and a YL2-1 Splitter Cable. The seio pumps would be set to go on at different intervals, you will not get full control like you would get from the Tunze on Profilux.

If I'm correct, you would be needing about 9 outlets, which mean you would have to buy either another 6-outlet digital power bar or a 4-outlet digital power bar.

You would for sure need the HIGH AMP extension bars for your VHO lighting, if you want to run them together you will only need one, other than that two are the order of the day. (please read the power bar thread)

You may also want to look at another 6 way digital bar or 4 way depending on your needs.

You would also require the additional Tunze 2 cable and splitter adapter to run two tunze pumps, the Tunze1 cable is already included.

For ozone you would require the Redox card and probe, but we recommend purchasing the dual redox salinity card as this saves on an expansion port for when you want to upgrade further, and 99% of users at some point end up wanting salinity monitoring.

Oh and of course the LED moonlight but personally I would opt for the full effect stick that can give you not only moonlight but also sunrise and sunset as well as the cool storm effects.

other than that you would be good to go.
The only thing I can say to that is we would not certify its accuracy and when you are dealing with redox potential in respect to ozone this is paramount
I don't mean to keep bothering you but I have to decide by Friday.
Can I use the Tunze cables that are connected to my Tunze 7095 controller. I don't mean to pinch pennys but its starting to expensive.
Does it matter where I buy it?

Ask as many questions as you like this is what we are here for.

The Tunze cables are specific to the GHL no other cable would fit sorry, they are not expensive either, especially when you consider the cost of a Tunze controller.

You can purchase from any one of our registered dealers, two are also reef central sponsors, cherry corals and salty supply.
Ok I tried to add all the stuff mentioned to my cart at both Cherry and Saltys to try and get a handle on how much this would cost me but they were both out of stock on alot of things. Your website seems to only list overseas dealers.

Where are you based?

Our dealers are in canada and the USA, depending on your location that may be overseas to you.

Due to the special offer deal, many retailers are running a bit low this week on key stock items but a boat load is on its way for early next week. Any urgent client orders dealers have we are drop shipping for them to speed up the delivery process.
if you want to send me a list of equipment you would like to purchase I can tell you an estimated price and who will have this stock.
Both ours (well the GHL site is more of a joint venture, we used to be the distributors for the UK)

Let us know if you need putting in touch with a dealer
I'm thinking to get started I would need
the 499 special
2 high amp expansion sockets
redox/salinity module
redox probe
tunze 2 cable

That would allow basic control of my lights, pumps, and ozone. After I save more money I can check into the nice simu stick lighting effects.

To save yourself money in the long run i would consider the EX upgrade kit, as this includes the salinity and Redox, plus an extra dual L control port used for LED's, dimmable lighting and Tunze's, it also comes with a third level port.

The reason i say this is becuase the Redox/salinity module alone is $162 and the EX upgrade is only about $50 more and you still then are left with 3 of your exisiting expansion slots.

It is far more beneficial in the long run to do this option.

The two High amps will come to $130 for the two roughly

The Redox probe is $96 approx

Talk to Cherry corals they can give you exact pricing but i would consider the EX upgrade to go with this for sure, especially as it sounds like you want to be able to build on the kit in the near future
Ok I've asked them over at the Cherry Corals forum section to read over this post and give me a price.
Thanks for your time and patience.

OK no problem since it doesn't appear I'll be getting the special anyway.
Can you do me a favor and post an itemized list of things I'll need to make it easier on them
