Contemplating getting out.


New member
So with the economic status we are in, I was wondering how many people have been quiting this hobby. I am at a point where it is very hard to justify the really high electric bills and constant maintnace costs related to owning a 125 gallon reef set up. It would be an easy decision for me if my tank crashed or something like that. But it is going strong and I know that If I tried to sell everything I would make only a small fraction of what i have invested. I know that I will not want to keep the equiptment if I shut it down because it would just get old and probably be outdated if I ever started again. So does anyone have any thoughts on this. Do you keep spending the money or do you sell/give away your stuff and move on. I love this hobby but it has become a love/hate relationship lately, which in turn is starting a trend of neglect on the tank which is not fair to the animals. Any advise from people in the same situation.
Thats a tough one, I don't know what to tell you. I guess it really depends upon how it is affecting your budget.
I've had those same thought myself! Took 1 tank down, merged nano & 90g to the 125g i bought 2yrs ago. I made my system as cost affective as possible. I 1 plus that my rose bubble splits offen, so I sell them to lfs. You could always frag your corals, & trade for supplies! You have to be creative in these hard times, keep your head up!:twitch:
Thanks, I guess part of the problem is work. I have been too busy and it seems like I lost my enthusiasm about the tank. Maybe If i sell some frags and kill these stupid aptasia anemonies that are taking over, i will get back in to it. Aptasia: :blown:
So with the economic status we are in, I was wondering how many people have been quiting this hobby.
Based on the number of people selling their tanks on my local reef club's forum here at RC, I'd say there are a lot of people finding this hobby too expensive and/or time-consuming right now. When people are losing jobs, hobbies are often scaled back to fit into their new budgets.
My 150 gal. tank blew a seam and leaked 11 months ago. I was sick over all the livestock (corals/fish/Lr) that I practically gave away. I was disgusted and sold some of my equipment. I justified it the same way. High cost and who has the time. But this hobby gets inside somehow. If you decide to give up all I can suggest is stay away from all your reef friends and fish shops. Its kind of like being an alcoholic. You have to stay away.

Obviously, I'm kidding but seriously consider what you want to do before you do it. I was out for 11 months and now I'm back rebuilding a 180 reef. I really missed it! High cost and all.
Based on the number of people selling their tanks on my local reef club's forum here at RC, I'd say there are a lot of people finding this hobby too expensive and/or time-consuming right now. When people are losing jobs, hobbies are often scaled back to fit into their new budgets.

I agree. I've been seeing this a lot over the last 2-3 years.
I have lost interest in hobbies in the past as well as just moved onto new ones. If I really enjoy a hobby I find someone of making it new. Maybe a major change in the look of your tank. Or a change in type of things you keep might spark your interest again.

I am fairly new to saltwater so everyday I find something new in my tank that makes me enjoy the hobby that much more. I also enjoy the chemical side of things. I like measuring the water parameters and enjoy keeping track of the daily/weekly changes.

Good luck in whatever you decide.
There sounds to be ambivalence here, so it is probably time to shut down the tank. Perhaps begin by either selling or donating the livestock to your LFS or at a frag-swap, and then dissemble your tank from there. My guess is that you will feel relieved once you have done this...
my GHA problem maked me want to leave sometimes...but the i check out this site and want to buy more items for my tank...maybe i need to stop browsing here :D
Thanks for the comments. I think I just need to suck it up and get back to my routine. I am thinking that maybe I need to switch from reef tank to fish only. That should help with the electric bill. Maybe trade my corals for new fish. I think I am going to pick up some joes juice and start killing those aptasias, that should make me feel better. New aquascape maybe? Thanks for the ideas. I am definatly getting rid of my brakish tank though. That should help. Thanks.
i feel your pain sir. i have been laid off the past 2 winters and it really drains the fun outta having a reef tank. for the past 2 winters, i have thought the same thing (get rid of the tank). but man, when you think about how much joy having a GOOD reef brings, i think it is a no brain-er. with that being said, i don't have the high eletric bills bills because i don't run halides or a sump. but if it were me, i would just stick to it. it always makes me feel good when people come over and say, man your tank looks great. not being the most financially stable person, i have just taken a break from buying stuff for the tank. just top off water and thats it. stick with it man, i think you will thank yourself later....
I have a 180 with 3 halides I learned after looking at the bills from when I didnt have halides to now in the winter it actually saves money because the lights heat the house and the gas bill lowered drastically. In the summer I can crack the window behind it and let the heat out and its in the basement so I dont see the air conditioning raise. I figured out after everything weighing out my tank costs about 35.00 a month just because I run all my different pumps when I get my wavebox this week it will lower it even more not having to have 4 korlias running and a dart. My wife and I discussed getting rid of my tank until we sat down and looked at everything. Besides that my Dogs would get bored not watching the fish swim back and forth and I would go crazy in my Mancave without it. I dont buy as much for my tank as I used to though in the way of corals.

Thats a good point. It has been 7 years with a reef tank, I am not sure how much of the bills is actually the tank. I actually was able to remove my chiller and replace it with a fan and turned off one of the three halides. I will keep track to see if it makes a big diference.
yoggi, check to see if your power company charge different rate for peak hour use. If they do i would run the halide earlier or later in the day to save some money on the light bill.
and go buy a copperband butterfly fish that is heathly and eating at the LFS. it will take care of your aptasia problem in no time.

Just make sure its eating before you take it home, or its a good possibility it wont last long
Here is my take on things, even though I'm just getting into the swing of things. I flew R/C planes for the past 12 years or so, and I just got burnt out on it. I was always going bigger and better, and pretty soon it was costing over 5K a summer to feed my addiction. I'm just plain burnt out on it now....and I've got a $1200 engine just sitting on the shelf for the last 3 years. I scaled back, got some smaller planes and am hoping to get back into what made the hobby fun. That is the part I miss.

As for the tank, I see your trying to cut costs, have you thought about selling the Halides and building your own LED rig? Less electricity, no bulbs to change for a LONG time, and it's just plain fun to build things. Perhaps frag out all your high end corals, do a lower light softie tank, or a zoa garden. Changes thing up to make it fun again.

That is what hobbies are all about...having fun. If it's a chore, it's time to find something new. Hence my move into saltwater.

And yes my 125G freshwater tank bores me.

If you do decide to get out after determining that you cant just revive it, really consider helping out the noobies in your area. As someone just starting out, there are just as many nooblets hurting for cash as experienced reefers. It's also a damn good feeling to know your helping someone get into the addiction. As opposed to trying to sell off your stuff to an LFS, which in the end is just a dollar sign for them.
and go buy a copperband butterfly fish that is heathly and eating at the LFS. it will take care of your aptasia problem in no time.

Just make sure its eating before you take it home, or its a good possibility it wont last long

I am not sure about buying a fish for this purpose. I am not sure it will for sure eat the nems and what do you do with it after. I though they are not completely reef safe.?