Continuous feeding NPS filter feeders

Here is a recent pic of my feeding setup. I'm now feeding H20 Life Nanno9 Live Phytoplankton from the beaker on the right. The magnetic stirrer only stirs the plankton gently and it comes on every hour. To the left I still mix all of my FM foods as well as frozen cyclopeeze, ova, baby brine shrimp and rotifers.

Save you photos Mike, hopefully the new site should be up soon (I know it has been longer than expected so dont read me the riot act). There is going to be a dedicated section for feeding systems ;)

Are you part of new site, or friends with some one who is. You seem to have some inside connection.
Yes Jim. This week there has been some progress but I am not the sole person who sets the launch date of the new site ;) Hopefully soon. The majority of the site is for azoox corals but there will be some room for those who are scared of the dark.

Hi I am wondering if I should post here...
I am doing a food mix of FM Ultra Seafan, FM Ultra Min F and Nannocholorpsis and storing it in the fridge for next day usage. Which I will dose into the tank via dosing pump in the morning and in the afternoon...
Will this process spoil the food mixture? Maximum is one day every night I will prepare the mixture..

aloha aquatics and aquarium specialty have ordered them in but are having problems with the USDA. I have some friends in the Netherlands so I might setup a group buy.
aloha aquatics and aquarium specialty have ordered them in but are having problems with the USDA. I have some friends in the Netherlands so I might setup a group buy.

I suspect you as a non business will run into even more issues then just USDA trying to go this route.
This has really been an awesome thread.

So far everything we have seen are DIYs.

I was wondering if there is any commercial brand that sell ready made automatic continuous feeding system with the fridge/cooling device.

Anyone can give me some websites/ links?
I've read every page of this outstanding thread but I am a little confused. Do you all daily mix up food to be automatically be feed or can you mix up one weeks worth at a time? The reason I ask is what do you do when you go out of town for a week? My neighbor is willing to feed my fish but I wouldn't want to trust anyone to make up NPS food daily while I am gone nor would I want to burden them with that responsibility.

Lot of different people & lot of different ways of doing it. I mix a batch & freeze cubes. Some say they mix couple days worth at a time. I think Mike pre cuts cubes & pre measures dry foods each for individual feedings. I don't think there is a standard way of doing it at all. Sorry, I bet that wasn't the answer you where hoping for.
So I have been hand mixing and feeding for awhile and am also inspired to make a feeder for my tank. Sun coral, sea apples right now but want some other NPS corals.

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I am having a hard time locating this small Mobicool frideg that you guys are using. Does anyone have a link to the actual product?
Thx you!

A couple more questions:

1. Seems like most of you guys end up using BRS dosing pump? Would the pinching action smash / destroy the larger food particle like Roti-Feast?

2. Oil that came with most liquid food I fed stop the skimmer for a few hours, wouldn't continuously feeding throughout the day almost means no skimming most of the time? Have you notice any significant difference in skimmate production?