Converting 7240 to 6100


I have 4 old 7240 pumps which i hope can be converted to 6100 (I heard its possible).

Which parts do I need to convert these 7240s to 6100?
It is only possible if the 7240/2's were made after mid 2002. If they are you would need 6100.700, 6080.400, 6200.230 and 6080.130.
Hi Roger,

Thanks for the info.
I think my pumps are made after 2002, but can't be sure.
Is there any way to tell?

Thanks for your help! :)
Yes, there is a date code stamped on the back of the pump under the hole in the swivel arm and above the label.
Sorry to dig up an old thread.

I have the 7240/2 also but I can't find the date of manufacture. I could only locate a few numbers (look like serial numbers) under the words Made In Germany.

Does it mean my 7240 are made before 2002 then?
7240/2 is a part number not a product, it is the motor of either a 7400/2, 7300/2 or 7200/2, which model depends on the transformer which will be part 7410.602, 7310.302, 7210.202. The numbers you see are the date code, they are series, quarter, year. For example 147 is the 1st Series of the 4th Quarter of 2007. The production of 7240/2 was from June 2000-June 2007, the 2002 has been made since the early 70's.