converting an argon regulator for a calcium reactor?


New member
I was looking around in my garage today deciding how best to tackle cleaning it. That's about as far as I got after I found an old welding regulator sitting on the bench. It's got the male threads for argon but this can be removed from the regulator. Could I find an end to put on this regulator and would this regulator work for a cacium reactor? The hi end gauge is 4,000 psi and the low end is 20 cfh.


Some argon are the same as CO2. Not all CO2 is the same. Some CO2 bottles are liquid, while others are gas. Your regulator need to match the type of bottle you are going to use. (liquid/gas)
That regulator should work fine, you should be able to get the correct tank connection at a local welding supply house. Many manufactures make combo argon/co2 regulators. You will still need a needle valve of some type though. All the regulator does is controll the pressure and drop it to a reasonable level it does not controll the flow, the needle vavle will do that for you.
