Convince Me Not TOo


New member
I got a 24 x 24 x 18 marineland cube and i wanna throw on a nano wavebox.

Im not lookin for a major wave but a wave. Ive got a 6055 and a koralia 3 in the tank now.

So convince me not to or give me some other ideas for flow.

Your so good with your customers i figure id try and get you to help me with my tank.

The tank is too small for the Nano wavebox to really be effective, it will work, but not well enough for the price in my opinion. I would add a second 6055 and use the 7096 controller which will give you the option to try to create a wave, but if it doesn't work out because the wave is too small or too fast, then you have all the other control options.
It just isn't feasible, the wavebox works off resonance frequency and with a tank less than 30" long the wave is unnaturally fast and doesn't move enough water to be effective. It is a physical principle of how it works that prevents it from working in a smaller tank, it will work in a 24" tank, but I personally would not buy it for this purpose, I don't think it works well enough on this size tank to justify the price.


Thanks for the info bud, once again your track record precedes you.

So you suggest going with another 6055?

its not often a company will openly tell you not to buy something.

Thank you sir.
If you get another 6055 and a 7096, you can use the wavebox mode with one pump on each side and create a wave, if it is not what you like, you can use another program, and that way you haven't wasted your money.



In your opinion is it worth it for me to get a profillux light. I have the AI light and wanna use one controller.