Check this out G-1-K, the one that I had was in a 55g fish-only. That isn't so unusual, the thing that WAS lays in the other inhabitants. It held it's own with an 18" bamboo cat shark, niger and undulated triggers, a snowflake moray and a common carribean stingray. I know you're saying to yourself, man that sounds overcrowded. You would be correct. No matter what I did I couldn't get my Nitrates below 110ppm. Can you believe that? Knowing what I know now, I wouldn't believe it. That's what made this guy so incredible. Beleive it or not this guy was growing and feeding and doin' great for almost three years. No, he didn't die in that tank. I traded him in when I went to a larger tank. Man, that was stupid of me. Word to you all...If you get one eating and doing well, don't let it go. I have sought to replace him for almost ten years and haven't found one yet that even comes close. I worked as head of the aquatics department for two years while I was in college and never had one move through that I would take home. Great to see sooo many others that love this fish as much as I do.