Coral Maternity in Portugal

Hi USAquattics,
From the beginning of the first phase of reproduction (Nursery) up to the end of the second phase (Day-care) the losses were less than 5 in every 100.
Great JOB! As I read through this thread, you probably have about 100 "great jobs"!! And its true!
But I must say, I have admiration for your patience! I think you've repeated everything you said about your setup, maybe 2-3 times over and over again!
Please read the thread from front to end guys...he is VERY detailed in his explaination of his set up. But there are still great questions that I'd like to see Machado answer.
I'm sorry for being a sour puss...but geez! read the thread!!
Hi Island1Day!
I understand what you say. Nice and attentive observation! I understand that many people don't follow the threads day by day. It happens with me too. I prefer to repeat what I said before in the thread than compel the visitor to read a lot of pages, reading what is not interested on, to find any particular issue he wants to know.



<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11076301#post11076301 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Machado deSousa
Hi Island1Day!
I understand what you say. Nice and attentive observation! I understand that many people don't follow the threads day by day. It happens with me too. I prefer to repeat what I said before in the thread than compel the visitor to read a lot of pages, reading what is not interested on, to find any particular issue he wants to know.


Since I finally got that off my back.....more pics!! Hehehehe:D
How big do you allow corals to grow before moving them to the next stage? For example, Nursery to daycare, and daycare to maternity.

Also, how long does it take for a coral to go from nursery to maternity?
I see you are using these flower tubes with a latex ring on it. What is the brand name of these testtube things? .. (sorry for the bad description).

I've heard Calfo uses this for propagation also, but i just can't seem to find any sellers on the internet.
which probably has something to do with the keywords i use ( testtube thingies) LOL..
Re: :)

Re: :)

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11084147#post11084147 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Island1Day
Since I finally got that off my back.....more pics!! Hehehehe:D

Island1Day, be attentive, if you can...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11089670#post11089670 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by siv
How big do you allow corals to grow before moving them to the next stage? For example, Nursery to daycare, and daycare to maternity.

Also, how long does it take for a coral to go from nursery to maternity?

The infants in the nursery were there for about 3 months, the time required to cover the tube caps completely or achieve a growth of 1" around - in any direction.

The corals actually in Day-car, settled on reef plugs, as you can see in last pictures i posted, are the end of the first reproduction cycle i experiment. I am thinking to begin a new reproduction cycle using part of these corals, together with some collected from maternity, to form the body of Mother-donors used to repopulate the nursery once coral babies living there are moved to the new day Day-care tank i am planning to mount very soon.

I don't think this question has been asked. I noticed you used plastic flower tube holders for the infant coral frags. I assume as they grow, the coral begins to cover the plastic lid on the tube. Other pictures I've seen you post show your frags attached to frag plugs. How do you make the transition from flower tube to frag plug?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11096641#post11096641 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jessp
have the corals ever spawned in your setup?

Corals never spawned... only clams in my aquariums +/- 6 years ago. I had two aquariums at my home connected to a common sump and clams living in those different aquariums spawned simultaneously, curiously with different moon lighting conditions.
And in your setup have you ever seen?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11094550#post11094550 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by robcampman
I see you are using these flower tubes with a latex ring on it. What is the brand name of these testtube things? .. (sorry for the bad description).

I've heard Calfo uses this for propagation also, but i just can't seem to find any sellers on the internet.
which probably has something to do with the keywords i use ( testtube thingies) LOL..

In the Internet is dificult to find these kind of tubes for sale. You should try to find them in a seller of flowers near you. These tubes are commonly used to set flowers. Your country is a major producer of flowers so you'll arrange them easily.


search for "aquapic" or "water tube floral"

you should find what you are looking for.

If not PM me and I'll send you some links.

Machado deSousa, Thanks for sharing your system with us.