Coral Maternity in Portugal

First bonsai aerial root (hard core pic ????)



Now Mangrove after moved to my prop system


Do you remember that hard core pic?
At same time, strange things was occurring in my aquarium, as you can see!!!. Coincidences...


Take another look!!!

Thats a crack up Machado:lol:

Reminds me of the picture of the hairy clam that was going around a few years ago:D

Oh, and beautiful mangroves. I like your spot lighting too.
Hi Giga!

The day you visit me you can take too this sexy Sarco with you and you have not to pay more beers for that...ok?
You've got a friend!:beer:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11062862#post11062862 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by aaron L
This is a truly amazing hobby! Its people like you that are going to save our Coral Reefs! GREAT SETUP.
Hi aaron L!

Thanks for your support words,

Global warming affect the reefs in a planetary scale, everybody knows that.
The reefs exploitation for tourism proposes gives us pleasure and commodity when we visit that paradises, provide income to the countries which reefs belong, but the creatures living there have no advantages at all and they are once more prejudiced.
The number of reef keepers in the world increases every year, and the reefs exploitation for commercial proposes removing live rocks, fishes, corals, invertebrates from the oceans they belong to supply the hobby all over the world also increases. This may not be the cause of the reefs destruction, but this will help, it will ...
We love the reefs, we use to say, but we need to have a new look to the reef keeping! Uff!!!
Machado you have inspired me too clean up my grenhouse and add mangroves . You are an insperation for us all. thankyou
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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11065231#post11065231 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by redox
Machado you have inspired me too clean up my grenhouse and add mangroves . You are an insperation for us all. thankyou

Hi redox, thanks for your post and kind words. About utility of mangroves, as i said before, i think it is relative. They may not bring some benefits to the aquariums, but about harmness they does not harm too!… lol. I only note a loss of magnesium ions and I supplement as necessary.
I think that only a heavy mass may be useful for nutrient export in a aquarium, depending of the water volum, obviously. I have them long time ago because I love these plants as i love fishes and corals.
Fantastic setup up, Machado..Greetings. I was just curious, what bulb configuration are you using on your T5s? The coloring and clarity is fantastic...Beautiful
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10850175#post10850175 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sunkool

But it seems you saw my point! Thousands of frags is not commercial?

Who says I can't? You? I have no hate of anyone.
You agreed to them when you sign up.

Make sense now?

Its not commercial if he isnt trying to sell anything. I guess you havent read all the threads that have been floating around for a long time about coral prop. greenhouses in the section"Coral Propagation and Aquaculture", which is what this section is actually meant for. So I think you stuck your foot in your mouth on that one.

You should really read the rules for this section before trying to point fingers at somebody. Rules of the Game
hola Machado,

What media do you inside your calcium reactor ? Do you add any dolomite to the reactors so they can add magnesium ?

Great Setup !
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Hi Jman77, I missed your avatar...and your comments!
In my calcium reactors i use Caribsea A.R.M Reactor Media, USA product, mixed with GroTech Magnesium Pro (10%).

I take espña and I was foolish to see these colors and coral.

Congratulations on keeping these parts, because we live near have to escaparnos to see it close

The left-handed compliments
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11067813#post11067813 arget=_blank>Originally posted</a> by BaxterS80
Fantastic setup up, Machado..Greetings. I was just curious, what bulb configuration are you using on your T5s? The coloring and clarity is fantastic...Beautiful
Hi BaxterS80!

Thanks for your words
I use ATI T5 tubes in all tanks, including algae filters and Mangrove tanks.

About wattage
Main tanks:
Maternity: 4 Blue Special 80W + 4 Blue Plus 80W = 640W
Nursery: 3 Blue Special 80W + 3 Blue Plus 80W = 480W
Day-care: 5 Blue Special 80W + 5 Blue Plus 80W = 800W

Support tanks:
Mangroves tank: 4 Sunpro 54W= 216W
Algae filter: 2 Sunpro 54W= 108W

These are the spectrum of ATI Tubes I use in main tanks:

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11068922#post11068922 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by el zurdo
I take espña and I was foolish to see these colors and coral.

Congratulations on keeping these parts, because we live near have to escaparnos to see it close

The left-handed compliments

HI el zurdo!
This was your first post! Welcome to this thread and to RC. As we are neighbors, come here in the evening to take a coffee otherwise i go to Valencia to eat a paelha! De acuerdo? Lol

Machado deSousa,

Absolutely awesome!! You have inspired me.

I have a quaetion about the success rate of your specimens. For example for every 100 cuttings, how many cuttings thrive? I have had nice success, but I have a loss ratio higher than I am happy with.