Coral Maternity in Portugal

Thanks to all for your words.

Blue sand, I don’t use always the same brand synthetic sea salt and I change as much as possible. I use Red sea salt, Tropic Marine, Reef Crystals, Coralife, etc.

H.a.Z, to make frag plugs I prefer Thorite but this cement is really very expensive. If i have time i use to white calcareous Portland cement and soak discs in water with vinegar to loose alkalinity for two weeks.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11973942#post11973942 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Machado deSousa
Fatrip, thank you very much for your interest and sympathy!:)

Thank you for posting all of your processes and the things that brought you success. it is very insperational. :) i've been watching since the beginning. you have acctually helped in choosing our lighting set up bulb wise for our local Zoo tank.

Also why do you change salts so much??
Fatrip, every synthetic sea salts have one or another heavy metals contaminants in their formulas, as you can see in this interesting page:

If you always use the same synthetic sea salt you are systematically adding to your tank the same contaminant and with passing time it can reach toxic levels to your inhabitants. I think that changing brands you minimize this risk.
Wouldn't using different salt mixes just introduce multiple contaminants to the water? Granted, it would take longer for one particular contaminant to reach toxic levels but would a combination of lower concentration contaminants really be better?
hi hockyfn30,
I allways heard to say: There are no venenous in the nature. Only excessive dosis.
If you allways use the same syntetic salt you can more easily input excessive dosis of any contaminant in your tank.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11957189#post11957189 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by H.a.Z

Is Thorite a special reef safe cement or can you use other types?

Are your flower tubes still clean? Mine is getting some algae and cyano growth.

Hi H.a.Z,
Yes, I like Thorite because it's reef safe and i have no to wait so long to put discs in the the tanks, but this material is very expensive. Sometimes i use Portland cement but i've got to keep them submerged in water with vinager for some weeks. This is not a good option when i'm in a hurry...
My tubes are clean. To keep them clean you've got to keep low nutrient levels in the system, improve oxygenation and promote high water flow in your tanks avoiding dead spots.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11957417#post11957417 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Island1Day
Wow, I love your details and step by step examples when you are explaining how you do things!
One thing I'm curious about is the curing process of your disks. Unless I missed it:
1. how long do you let it sit till you take the next step?
2. You were just kidding about the "oven" thing? or do you really cure it in an oven?
3. Do you soak it in water and vinegar?
Thanks again for your contributions to RC!
Hi Island1Day,
Thanks for your comments.
1. Thorite hardens soaked in water
2. I was kidding.
3. If we use Thorite we don’t need to sink the plugs in acids.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11972118#post11972118 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Whalehead9

What materials are you using for the stands? Obviously metal with some kind of coating. It looks awesome. I want to replicate it for a future fish room.

Yes Whalehead9, the stands are made of steel and protected against corrosion: coated with aluminium metallization, epoxy as primary and finished with polyurethane paintings.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12048919#post12048919 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Machado deSousa
Hi Island1Day,
Thanks for your comments.
1. Thorite hardens soaked in water
2. I was kidding.
3. If we use Thorite we don’t need to sink the plugs in acids.

Cool, how long do you let it sit till you begin using them? I'm setting up my frag system, and I want to model mine after yours!
Thanks for answering my questions. Your detailed guidance and help is truly something great. Most people with systems this detailed have many secrets that leave most people in the dark. I hope to one day setup something very similar once I am done with school. Till then I will be admiring your system and hope the best for you and you corals. :)

Thanks again

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12162002#post12162002 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mhaith
Agreed. And it is all accomplished in a storage unit.....

I've never seen storage units that nice here in the states though :lol::lol:


I may have missed the posting, but I don't suppose you have a list of your costs associated with maintaining this operation?

thank you
Wow. I just read every post in this thread and I am amazed! What a fantastic setup and what a great thread with all of the pictures and advice. Thank you for sharing!