Coral Maternity in Portugal

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12383582#post12383582 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by thirschmann
great work as always, love that opening between the tanks, great idea. Looks like you can seal it off completely if you like.

Hate asking questions as I'm sure you've answer all of them a hundred times. Could you point me towards where you wrote about your flow pattern and philosophy.


Hi thirschmann!

An opening between the tanks allows making a water movement as a single tank and fishes are free to choose the place they want to graze...and take a walk.
Don’t worry if any question you want to make was already done before.
About flow pattern and philosophy applied to my tanks, i didn't talk about that. It is consensual that the water movement is very important because it determines the health and well being of corals. Everybody knows too that they depend on the water movement to get food, to breathe (O2 and CO2 exchanges) and for calcification. Diving taught me many things, namely that Acros are found in zones with strong waves and that they are subject to high volumes of water with back and forth movements. Obviously, it is not easy to imitate that ideal hydrodynamic in my tanks but i can try an approximation to the water movements observed in the nature. So, I use waveboxes associated to variable speed pumps as slaves to do the job. With equipments like this I have found also the way to avoid dead spots in the tank.I use powerful pumps to return water to the display tanks from the sump and to avoid localized high velocities in the tank I distribute the water flow close the surface with tubings with various outlets. With waveboxes i don’t need to associate current switchers like SCWD (Switching Current Water Director) or similar devices to the return pumps with purpose to alternate water flows.

Thanks for your comments,

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I have been following this thread for a couple of months now and have read every page. Unfortunately, I can't remember (or I'm too lazy to go through 20 pages) the bulbs you use.

Were they Aquablue and Blue Plus and what brand?
Also, how do you keep the systems so clean of Coralline etc.?
What specifically do you use for a clean-up crew?

Thank you!
After reading this entire thread I was inspired to make some major changes to my prop system. First I changed out the VHO Actinic Whites I'd been using on a 30L to the T-5 ATI Blue SPecial and Blue Plus. Wow, what a difference. I would have never thought that the corals would respond so quickly to the new light but within a week new branches began on the Pocillipora and the color of the A. millepora began to change to a red. A simple brown Montipora cap now glows green under the T-5 influence. Thanks so much for the new direction, plus it helps a tiny bit on my electrical consumption!
Hi Machado,
First let me say thank you for the time and effort you have put into this thread, and for sharing your knowledge.
You have a outstanding frag setup, the colours and condition of the frags are a credit to the time and effort that you have put in.
Think I am going to read this thread again!
Great Setup......Is eveything going through a central filtration system? I am building a Propagation system now with two (48x24x16) tanks and wanted to know if I should use seprate filtration systems for each or have them just share a large sump.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12383611#post12383611 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by H.a.Z
Did you make the water channel with the old daycare in operation?

Thanks for the update.... :-)

Hi H.a.Z!

Yes, and i show you how I did it.

This is my first day-care tank just finished and ready to be moved to my prop (sorry I couldn’t contract a sexy girl like that we use to see in International Automobile Saloons, but cash…). In this shot you can see an opening with a glass fence glued inside the left vertical pane, to allow this tank to run while I don’t need so much room.

When the tank becomes small, the second one is made and constructed with a similar opening without fence, and the communication through tanks is done gluing a U shape bridge made of glass (this operation may be done with old tank running).

At last I fill up the new tank and when both tanks are leveled I retire the glass fence that now separates de tanks. In this shot you can see the second tank filling up

Doing so I can begin with a tank and double the volume according with my necessities and moreover, in terms of hydrodynamic, we have two tanks working as one. On the other side may be useful if we have territorial fishes.

What reinforces the upper side of the tank at the bridge? Is the eurobracing intact even though part of the side is removed? Do you experience any bowing of the bridge sides compared to other sides?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12477114#post12477114 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by matt & pam
What reinforces the upper side of the tank at the bridge? Is the eurobracing intact even though part of the side is removed? Do you experience any bowing of the bridge sides compared to other sides?


Hi matt & pam!

I hope you understand how i reinforced the openings of the tanks.
This is the scheme of the reinforcement i have done of the opening of the first tank before to execute the bridge. In the new tank i also reinforced the opening but i don't need to glue the barrier.


The panels with openings lean on the diagonals of the stand with a strip of cork interposed.
No bowings.

lookin good machado. man i dont know how you found that thorite in can't even find it around New york state...keep up the good work. also do you have drains to the sump in each of those 2 tanks that are tied to gether and plug the higher one while the lower one is on line to keep water movment threw to the tank? i am just trying to understand the way it works alittle better. thanks
Hi Machado,

Once again and like may others I congratulae you on the set up, really quite incredible...! As far as obsessions go you seem to have trumped all comers! and I mean that in a nice way.

In terms of UPS have you thought about a backup generator rather than batteries?or is it too impractical in the garage? obviously you would have to rig up exhaust outlets but you would potentially have a lot more autonomy.

Hi Machado,

Once again and like may others I congratulae you on the set up, really quite incredible...! As far as obsessions go you seem to have trumped all comers! and I mean that in a nice way.

In terms of UPS have you thought about a backup generator rather than batteries?or is it too impractical in the garage? obviously you would have to rig up exhaust outlets but you would potentially have a lot more autonomy.
