Coral Maternity in Portugal

Wow this thread has grown!!!

I remember seeing your setup back last year and congratulated you on it.

I've read through the rest of the posts and want to thank you again for keeping it real and not letting it get to your head :)

Once again,

Thanks for sharing with us and taking the time to show us all the details from your setup including the video as well.

We can all learn from you...stick around please!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11265416#post11265416 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Machado deSousa
Stephencraig: Take it easy, my friend! :) The rubber of the florist tubes has a hole in the center where the flowers are inserted. In this hole you have to introduce the frag so that it is fixed in a stable and permanent way and after put the rubber with the frag on the tube. Do not forget to fill the tube with aragonite and osmosis water to avoid air inside the tube otherwise it will fluctuate in the aquarium.
An extraordinary set up indeed,Machado !!!!!!!!Why are you filing the tube with R/O instead of salt water?Does it have to do with a calcium boost, or it is easier for you?Thank you!
This setup is SO beautiful. What I especially like is that you can tell from all the posts on this thread that it is truly a labor of love, and not a commercial endeavor.

You deserve Tank of the month in addition to thread of the month.

I hope you have the chance to show your setup to all the local reefers and to 'hint hint' any of us from the US who happen to make our way to Portugal :)

Great, great, job. Very inspirational. I don't think I've seen any other thread on RC that was more so clearly a testament to the love of reefkeeping.
sps_addict, mecpc, 0 Agios, mskurdah, jennmac415, djfrankie , mskurdah and jennmac415: Thanks to all for your kind words.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12312955#post12312955 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by gholtmeyer
Why do you fill the tubes with reverse osmosis water? Why not tank water?

Also, thank you for posting your thread! You have a beautiful set-up! It makes me want to move to Portugal. That and the weather, the wine, the food, the wine . . .do they need American teachers? lol

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12314479#post12314479 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by tasos
...Why are you filing the tube with R/O instead of salt water?Does it have to do with a calcium boost, or it is easier for you?Thank you!

gholtmeyer and tasos,
I fill tubes with RO water because it is organic matter free. The water tank has dissolved organic compounds and shortly afterwards would smell like rotten eggs. I use also synthetic saltwater, if available.

Hi gholtmeyer!
You are a “bon vivant” and you know well where good things are... so thank to God to keep your good taste for many years and come to Portugal because this is the best place for you to live. About American teachers, we need these professionals in Portugal. If you are tired of being well, come here too!

Thanks for your kind words and sympathy :).

Hey Machado

Thank you very much for sharing all these nice pictures and all that information, I'm sure you are an inspiration to many :)

I wondered if you ever considered using marble as base for your fragments. It is simply a crystalline form of calcium carbonate and I've read/seen/heard somewhere that fragments love to grow on marble.

I thought that when choosing light, the more PAR the better thus 10.000K should be better than 15.000 - Is it only for coloration 50%(10.000K)-50%(20.000K) is best or also for general growth. Because otherwise it could be an idea to initially grow the fragments under 10.000K until they reach a certain size and then boost their color with higher kelvin...

congratulations with TOTM :) and thanks for sharing your setup.

Ive read every single comment on this thread two times now so no questions :)

but please keep us updated
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12336064#post12336064 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by gary faulkner

<img src="/images/welcome.gif" width="500" height="62"><br><b><i><big><big>To Reef Central</b></i></big></big>

Thank you I feel welcome :)
Wonderful set up! Congratulations on Thread of the Month Machado deSousa.
I really appreciate your mangroves and up keep of them. I have begun getting decent growth on mine now and cannot wait to see some "hard core" growth. LOL! :)
Keep up the great work dude.
Hello friends,

A new Day Care tank is born (the left one)


Here it is with some corals

Both tanks view

In the next shots we can see the channel created for water communication between two Day Care tanks
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