Coral Maternity in Portugal

In the beginning all the babies that I had in the nursery tank, fixed in flower picks, came exclusively from maternity tank. When I restart the new nursery tank, the new babies come not exclusively from coral colonies existing in the maternity tank but also from frags on discs existing in all daycare tanks. Some new frags on discs come directly from frags grown in another discs. I have no pics but I should. This time I´ll try to get them and I hope not loose their track in the crowd....
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Hello Machado,

awesome, congratulations - excellent work...
just got through the thread

unfortunately not earlier as I was in Lisboa a week ago...:sad2:

Must visit you next time (but I guess it wil not be earlier than in 2 years unless anything unforseen happens)

How many frags do you have at the moment?????

I read you where at Joe´s place....

regards from Austria

Hi MarKus, it is a pity you have not known my space when you were here few weeks ago. I have the doors always opened to receive you whenever you return to Portugal.
Currently I have about 4,000 frags distributed by every tanks.
Yes, I was at the Joe's farm and I bought some frags there. He is a very nice person.
Thank you for your words.
Regards from Portugal,:thumbsup:
Obrigado pelas tuas palavras.:)
Hello Machado,

unfortunately I do not speak portuguese....
but I know some words from latin (and of course "obrigado")

ok, next time I will let you know before I come.

4000 frags - wow

Yes indeed - Joe is a nice guy; I was at his old place a few years ago; he recently transfered to a new location.

If you look into my tanks thread you will see some beautiful actinia equina I took from Cabo da Raso....


<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14674600#post14674600 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by MarkusII
Hello Machado,

unfortunately I do not speak portuguese....
but I know some words from latin (and of course "obrigado")

ok, next time I will let you know before I come.

4000 frags - wow

Yes indeed - Joe is a nice guy; I was at his old place a few years ago; he recently transfered to a new location.

If you look into my tanks thread you will see some beautiful actinia equina I took from Cabo da Raso....



Marcus, "Danke" for your sympathy.
May be this year I will visit again the new Korallenfarm space.
I was visiting your thread from the beginning and I liked it very much. Congratulations on your amazing tank! Your Actinia equina is very pretty and was taken in the same place I use to collect the NSW for my corals.

Do you remember this place? It was a cold and cloudy day! The transporter is a Ford Transit (one of the first models).


250g deposit almost full filled

Waiting about 20 minutes to fill the deposit...

oaklandreef, Thanks for your comments.

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hey Machado.
Great job on the corals. Like I have told you before you make our country proud. question where in Portugalare your pic from.
Hello Machado,

yes tats the place, but we took them from the other side of the lighthouse....
nice car....
but it is ideal for this kind of transport.
I would like to live near the sea as well - not only for the NSW...


I usually collect water in both sides of the lighthouse. The last time I collected water in the location you mean.
My prop is located no more then 20 km from Cabo Raso.
I have followed your thread for quite and a while and it just short of a perfection. You mentioned you get your water from the sea. Do you think that has a significant affect on how well your corals grow?
I once brought some water back from San Diego and the sea life that was in the water was unbelievable! My corals looked much better after that.
I have followed your thread for quite and a while and it just short of a perfection. You mentioned you get your water from the sea. Do you think that has a significant affect on how well your corals grow?
I once brought some water back from San Diego and the sea life that was in the water was unbelievable! My corals looked much better after that.
Buskey, it would be good to add the microorganisms that are in the sea, and the coral would love, but unfortunately NSW brings good and bad of marine life. I use UV and ozone for 3 days and, as a precaution measure, I still use 1 micron sock filter when the water enter in the system.
Good Point Machado! There is always bad with the good ins't there. Keep up the Great Coral experiment and I will sit back and watch with a smile.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14836005#post14836005 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Dr Hakan
and... now haw many frags do you have ?? i could not count them on the photos... atractiva fotos. bueno....

Is not easy to count them but I think 4,000 frags around.