Coral Maternity in Portugal

Amazing setup.

on your nursery tank you only have 6 x 80w bulbs right. The tank is 90cm wide so does 6 bulbs cover it ok?



I had the chance of visiting Machado's Maternity and all I can say is that I was speechless.

The main reason for his success has to do with both Machado unique knowledge of corals and his personality.

Machado receives each visit and explains each detail of is system with lots of patience, he is trully an humble man that in my point of view personifies the posture that every one us should have on this hobby.

He shares is knowledge with no "fear" and you can see in is eyes the passion when he talks about his system and every aspect of reef systems and aquariums.

It is the kind of man that makes me proud of being Portuguese and surelly he would deserve better recognition from official entities ( although I know it is not important for him).

The "sad" part of all this is that is thread on Portuguese foruns has less reading and postings comparing to other setup threads of home aquariums on the same foruns. I guess this says pretty much about the change of posture we must have......

Congratulations Machado !

Gonçalo Rio ;)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14925048#post14925048 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Machado deSousa
Actually the nursery tank is covered with 8 bulbs x 80W.

On your first post your wrote this;

Maternity: 8x80w
Nursery: 6x80w
Day-care center: 10x80w

Did you add 2 more bulbs?

Also do you have any additional flow in the nursery, or just the return pump and wave device?

Thank you for taking the time to share your beautiful world Machado, your passion and love for your "babies" brings a big smile to my world..... :-)

Because the remaining portions of the flower tips under the eggcrate create so much resistance to the water movement close to the bottom of the tank, I have decided to eliminate the "good-for-nothing" parts of them. With this procedure I have improved the water circulation under the eggcrate, creating more room for the fishes to swim, and I don't need anymore to fill the tips with sand or deionized water...
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This is the part of the flower tip that I use to fix the coral.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14940015#post14940015 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Reefer08
watch out ORA, here comes Machado deSousa! Great coral maternity you've got going!
Nice warning to the unparalleled ORA. Very funny comment!

Lionman, you were very generous to me. I appreciate your words of praise. Thank you very much.

Thanks to all who have posted here, I am really glad you are enjoying this thread.

Hello M.Sousa, your system is unique in PORTUGAL, the coral have phenomenal colors and an incredible growth! You have everything thought very well. Still well that you explain step by step the doubts of the staff an post some photos!

Keep it great...


Filipe Silva
Snaza, Im preparing a complete response to your question, mentioning a large number of upgrades done in my prop, lighting included.

Anthony neto, nice surprise! I’m still waiting for your visit. Um forte abraço.

Filipe Silva, you always catch me napping! Thanks for your comments. Aparece.

FiSHy sAy HeY, in time I’m using ATI bulbs, 60% Blue Spezial (12,000ºk) and 40% Blue Plus (18,000ºk).
I have a 4 bulb T-5 fixture....would that mean 3 blue special and 1 blue plus? I want bulbs so it makes my colors pop on my corals, and bulbs that have a high PAR rating