Coral Maternity in Portugal

Dear Machado deSousa,

I want to thank you for my current state of sobriety. I've been reading this post since 7pm and it is now 12:44am. I stated with a nice generous glass of Black Label Scotch and I know realized that I'm hammered! i thank you and Johnny Walker for the buzz.
After reading through the entire 2 years worth of post I came 2 realize a few things.

1) You should be proud of your set-up. Everybody envies you.
2) After reading posts here that stretch for the last 2 year I realize I must be extremely smart. I've been in this hobby for 7 months and I was extremely surprised to the ignorance of some people.
3) You are a very good representative of your country. You are kind and Patient! Also Smart ( are you sure you're not Canadian?)
4) You either care dearly for the Reefs of the world of you have too much money. I'd buy any one of your corals for $35. That means in my eyes you have $140,000 CND in corals. As a business man I understand the opportunity you have and appreciate your commitment to the planet! ( or guiness book) lol.
5).... I'm too drunk to mention anything else! I should have stuck to beer!
I have a 140 gal tank and I'm currently dosing manually aLk, CA and Mag. My parameters are perfect but I'm trying to stay away from testing every week. The two part method is expensive too. What would you recommend? Balling Method or Calcium reactor?
I don;t care about cost at this point. I want what works best. I currently have a Profilux 2 and was going to go the balling method.

Please let me know what you think.

Here´s some pics taken in April to Machado´s Coral Maternity:










Let me know if you want more.

Regarding the doubts, I´m afraid I can´t answer for Machado so you´ll have to wait for him to come back here.

beautiful pictures andre. definitely would love to see more pics.

do you have any closer shots of the corals?
Wow very nice! Im amazed at how colorful all your SPS are!

One question,
Are all your frag tanks under T5's? What kinda of reflectors do you use? Also do you have fans on each T5 bulb?

thank you
Mr. DeSousa, what do you dose in all these tanks to keep the corals fed? Anything specifically for the SPS?

What level are your phosphates typically at?

I am speechless.
Andre. Thank you so much for these beautiful pictures.
I wish I can visit you guys someday.

Machado. Please keep up your excellent work.
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Hello again,

Scrapz, thanks. Yes, I have some pics of the corals.

Ching, thanks. And I wish we could visit you some day and see your magnificent project in person. Just a little off-topic and so you now, your thread is being followed carefully and with great joy by many reefers out here. Thank you for sharing that.

Here goes some:







Bob, no. The bottle was just to give a dimensional reference of the skimmers and Sump/Quarantine area.

I think some of those coral colors are obtained because of the T5's. If they were under halides, the colors would be different...
I agree with henrystyle. I have definately noticed a huge coloration change in the corals in my frag tank after changing from 250 watt DE MH to 6 bulbs of T5. The result is no less beautiful, just different. The most noticeable difference is that the corals get more of a pastel hue to them with the T5 lighting.
I agree with henrystyle. I have definately noticed a huge coloration change in the corals in my frag tank after changing from 250 watt DE MH to 6 bulbs of T5. The result is no less beautiful, just different. The most noticeable difference is that the corals get more of a pastel hue to them with the T5 lighting.
This is a fact....different lights will give the same corals different coloration. This is why I ask sellers what kind of light they keep there corals under. Nothing like buying a frag you really like and it switches up on you after it gets into your