Coral Maternity in Portugal

Well after spending the last 4 days reading every post from the beginning of this epic journey.

Mr Machado deSousa, I take my hat off for your for sharing your experiences and wisdom with us, you have certainly set the standard.

Well done!
this is a great tread and hope all is well there inst any words to describe the work and love that you have put into this keep up the great work and please keep us posted on the updates and more pictures
I love the floral tube idea, I think Im going to take your idea and modify it, I am going to make molds of the floral picks in plaster then cast my own ceramic "floral tubes" with ceramic slip and have them fired in a friend kiln. I should be able to make a bunch for cheap as a 5gal. bucket of cermic slip is $20 ish and the supplies to make the mold cant be more than $15
Does he sell these corals?
+1... :eek2::inlove::eek2:

I think he mentioned earlier that he does not sell his frags. What he does with them when they grow out is a mystery ;)
He sells them but he's prohibited to selling them here on RC. The nature of his thread is the journey of building his prop tanks from start to finish. Not to sell them.

I completely forgot to post the rest of the pics.
Sorry people.

Here goes some more:







And here´s the Coral Maternity from different angles:





here's a thought, line up the frags by colors like a rainbow instead of having them scatter. arrange them by color...that would be a sight! please try that and post picture. maybe not all the frags, 100 will do. looking forward to the picture.
Keep doing what you are doing.. Everyone in the damn hobby always wants a better deal and are always looking for another place to buy quality pieces.. Doesn't make a diference if you are selling it or not, it's great. What would be the issue with selling it.?. Besides making more coral captive grown coral available, who is he hurting...He is HELPING!
What would be the issue with selling it.?. Besides making more coral captive grown coral available, who is he hurting...He is HELPING!

I thought this until I read an article in a magazine (UltraMarine) with an interview with one of the best shops over here, and they said about how many people are supported by the sale of a wild coral- the guy who collected it, his family, wholesalers, etc etc etc and basically that it is important to carry on supporting them otherwise they can go to less sustainable methods which would not be good for the hobby, and therefore the shop sends a proportion of the money they make from their cultured frags, back out to where corals are collected, I if I remember correctly, to keep the hobby sustainable.

I read the article ages ago so can't remember it that well but have it home so can try and fish it out for you, if you want. :)

The other side of the story is that ofcourse, yes, we do need to make the hobby much more sustainable and so yeah it is a great thing he is doing, and we need more people doing this type of thing, just thought I ought to add this before you thought I was against depending less on wild caught stock!

I thought this until I read an article in a magazine (UltraMarine) with an interview with one of the best shops over here, and they said about how many people are supported by the sale of a wild coral- the guy who collected it, his family, wholesalers, etc etc etc and basically that it is important to carry on supporting them otherwise they can go to less sustainable methods which would not be good for the hobby, and therefore the shop sends a proportion of the money they make from their cultured frags, back out to where corals are collected, I if I remember correctly, to keep the hobby sustainable.

I read the article ages ago so can't remember it that well but have it home so can try and fish it out for you, if you want. :)


We should be careful not to get off topic. We don't want this great thread closed. I hope he post some pictures and updates soon.