Coral Maternity in Portugal

Hes running Zeo reactors now. (originally he was just doing water changes and no supplements)

his tanks are so amazing......
I want to do something like this in my garage but im sure the lil lady would kill me lol Nice work I can actually say im jealous~!
Hi folks!

First of all, I would like to thank the kind words you have posted here and I must confess I'm pleased you didn't let this thread die. Thanks to everyone for helping to make this thread what it is!
By now I concluded the assembly of my prop and my professional life is much more calmer then before. From now I will try to maintain a constant presence in this thread to learn a lot sharing our common experiences.
I am at your disposal to talk about all questions according with the interests shown by you. I will try to answer with much detail as I can.

Hello Machado.
Hope all is well. I'm glad to see you back on this thread and to see how your frags have really grown from when I visited your setup till the last video posted. Definitly an achievement. Any plans for more tanks as I'm sure those frags will fill up the tanks in few months from now.
Another question about lighting, any plans to change any of your frags tank lighting to LEDs to at least compare growth and coloration with T5 and LED? I know the main display is on Plasma with T5 and LED supplementation so are you noticing any coloration differences between that and the frags of the same colonies under T5s?
Thanks for sharing your knowledge and for all teh efforts you put into your Coral Farm. I hope I'll visit Portugal again to see your setup one more time.
Hello Machado.
Hope all is well. I'm glad to see you back on this thread and to see how your frags have really grown from when I visited your setup till the last video posted. Definitly an achievement. Any plans for more tanks as I'm sure those frags will fill up the tanks in few months from now.
Another question about lighting, any plans to change any of your frags tank lighting to LEDs to at least compare growth and coloration with T5 and LED? I know the main display is on Plasma with T5 and LED supplementation so are you noticing any coloration differences between that and the frags of the same colonies under T5s?
Thanks for sharing your knowledge and for all teh efforts you put into your Coral Farm. I hope I'll visit Portugal again to see your setup one more time.

Hi Maroun!
How are you since I saw you last time in my Materinty? It was a great pleasure to receive you here.
More tanks in my facilities is not possible because I need spce to move myself.
In fact I continue with T5 lighting in all tanks and I'm only using plasma lights (associated with T5 and some LEDs) in maternity tank which now I call "fringing reef tank". Now is my show tank. I added some LEDs to the plasma fixtures to high a little bit the color temperature when they are in full power.
I have no experience with LEDs over coral frags and by now I don't intend to use them because the intensity is not so high as T5 system and the costs are corrently very high.
Corals under plasma light are growing like crazy but the colors are not so vibrant as under t5 tubes, even with the color temperature correction. I will try to increase the power of some LEDs in this tank to see how the coral colors are afected.

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Pleasure was mine Machado.
Thanks for the info, Never expected T5s to be considered higher intensity than LEDs but still in a shallow tank like a frag tank i think they win by wider cover than LEDs... Hopefully you settle the issue of non vibrant corals in the fringing reef tank...
is the system still running so simply, no additives etc?

Hi dallasg!
The system continues running simply with some minor changes about additives. I started using zeolites inside a reactor and Zeobak addition.
About food for corals I add 30 drops of Coral Vitalizer and 30 drops of AminoAcid (AAHC) from Korallen Zuchi daily. I do not feed too much my corals because I think that sediments present in the water column from fish feces are an excellent food source for them and there is plenty of it.
I also use, in line in the filtration system, a fluidized bed with 0.25 gal of biopelets.
I put also, when necessary, some vials of biodigest (bacteria) and Bioptin (food for bacteria) from Prodibio.
Because I abandoned the Full Balling method and I returned to Calcium reactor to supplement Ca and kH, I drop calcium chloride and sodium bicarbonate solutions to correct the calcium and kH levels, respectively. Magnesium supplementation in done throw the calcium reactor (10% of the reactorl midea).

Thanks for the details, i am going zeovit with a calcium reactor using Ca and Mg media
Do you find the pellets work? I tried them but didnt see anything
Machado Desousa,
I decided to go back and re-view your build thread.
You mention that you start off your frags by using a single polyp. (depending on the species)
Do you have any pictures of these fresh cuttings?
i would like to see the size they start off at.
thank you!

I just wanted to bump this question.

Also, I loved your first video, where you showed all your equipment and and the path way of water. If you have extra time, would you mind doing a short video like that again.

Thank you very much!