Coral Maternity in Portugal

I really need to go to Portugal. This is the most amazing setup I have ever come across! AMAZING WORK!!!
If I had one reef keeper in the world to visit would be you. The amount of coral you have is unbelievable, I dont think anyone can compare with you. I see you have a total of 4 skimmers and changed to Deltek calcium reacters. Im happy too as me have a new Deltek PF601 calcium reacter, going to hook it up soon.
Prezado "conterrâneo do além-mar", como vai?

Não escrevo em inglês, apenas entendo um pouco o que leio, por isso, apesar de acessar a RC há algum tempo, esta é minha primeira mensagem aqui. Sem dúvida na minha pouca experiência com aquarismo marinho, num vi algo tão bem feito, tão bem montado e com tanto capricho! Simplesmente fantástico! Parabéns e continue a ter todo o sucesso com seu "brinquedo" ...

Hi Machado, your prop tanks are getting more beautiful as the time past by.

How are the corals responding after 4 months under the new plasma fixture ?

Planning to move more tanks to plasma light ?

Parabens pelo seu empenho !!!

Congratulations !!!
Machado Desousa,
I decided to go back and re-view your build thread.
You mention that you start off your frags by using a single polyp. (depending on the species)
Do you have any pictures of these fresh cuttings?
i would like to see the size they start off at.
thank you!
great article, incredibly detailed description of the entire setup... inspiration to say the very least... :beer: