Coral Reefs Bleaching Worldwide

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7681724#post7681724 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by wds21921
We've got so many troops tied up in the middle east (where they never should have been) that protecting our own shores seems close to impossible.

Not just the middle east-the entire world. Not including troops deployed in Iraq, there are about 250,000 troops deployed in about 70% of the worlds countries. A tremendous waste of money and resources if you ask me.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7610709#post7610709 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by wds21921

-- Earth is the hottest it has been in at least 400 years, maybe more.

-- The National Academy of Sciences studied tree rings, corals and other natural formations, in part, to conclude that the heat is unprecedented for potentially the last several millennia.

-- Human activities are responsible for much of the recent warming, the Academy says.
You "Fact Box" is full of holes. Firstly (and in the realm of subjective, historical science) is the tree rings and such show the early middle ages were hotter than they are now. Not important, though...

The biggest, unprovable "fact" is that human contribution to global warming is significant compared to other sources (such as solar activity) or that curtailing human activity can have any impact at all on global warming/cooling (depending on what the latest natural trend is). And if it does, then please explain how we may reduce that contribution so that Mars will stop its global warming cycle, too. Those two SUVs we put up there must be responsible for their "ice cap" recession matching and pacing our own global warming rise over the last couple of decades.

Amazing how so many of you guys go from "global warming" to "we got to do something about it. That is a huge disconnect in logic. Somewhere in between you need to ask if human contribution can actually impact global warming/cooling. Prove first that we can impact it before you ram-rod through socialistic totalitarian controls on the economy. As for my beliefs, it scares the hell out of me to think of scientists actually might start trying to cool the Earth because of misconceptions about global warming/cooling. Such a god complex could really destroy the reefs in a massive, natural, over-compensation.

I won't worry about the impact of global warming on the reefs, though. They grow fast enough that the slow warming/cooling trends will just open up new areas for them as they close out old ones. I'd save my worry for things like sediment from human development and other true human problems if I were you.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7689824#post7689824 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Runner
You "Fact Box" is full of holes. Firstly (and in the realm of subjective, historical science) is the tree rings and such show the early middle ages were hotter than they are now. Not important, though...

The biggest, unprovable "fact" is that human contribution to global warming is significant compared to other sources (such as solar activity) or that curtailing human activity can have any impact at all on global warming/cooling (depending on what the latest natural trend is). And if it does, then please explain how we may reduce that contribution so that Mars will stop its global warming cycle, too. Those two SUVs we put up there must be responsible for their "ice cap" recession matching and pacing our own global warming rise over the last couple of decades.

Amazing how so many of you guys go from "global warming" to "we got to do something about it. That is a huge disconnect in logic. Somewhere in between you need to ask if human contribution can actually impact global warming/cooling. Prove first that we can impact it before you ram-rod through socialistic totalitarian controls on the economy. As for my beliefs, it scares the hell out of me to think of scientists actually might start trying to cool the Earth because of misconceptions about global warming/cooling. Such a god complex could really destroy the reefs in a massive, natural, over-compensation.

I won't worry about the impact of global warming on the reefs, though. They grow fast enough that the slow warming/cooling trends will just open up new areas for them as they close out old ones. I'd save my worry for things like sediment from human development and other true human problems if I were you.

In fact some parts of the Earth are cooling yet some are getting hotter. I am more concerned with pollution than global warming.
Global warming is alarming people? well tourist in beaches make coral bleaches faster. Sedimentation around vacation areas do harm faster than a warmer world could.

Fact is the reefs around the Boracay beach (oh it's here in the Phil. Islands) is dead not because of warming or el nino (or la nina). The bleaching is radiating from the beach to the outer reefs. Polution doing the job here.
While this forum is more lenient than others, I am sure a direct political reference to political figures such as President Bush and the GOP (befuddling reference, to be sure, since they are typically on opposite sides of this issue) violates the terms of use for this website.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7141961#post7141961 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Carman34L
i talked to a friend who lives in australia, he said the GBR only bleached about 1%. he laughed when I told him we were getting reports of mass bleaching. He then told me to not believe the reports if I have not seen the reef with my own eyes.

I have seen the reef with my own eyes and it is in big trouble from all the runoff from plantations !!