Coral Tank from Canada (1350gal Display Tank)

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I could have used one of your generators last night. We had a 4 1/2 hour power failure and as it progressed, my panic level rose significantly.

Luckily, I have a battery powered airpump that switches on automatically during a loss of power, so at least there was a bit of water circulation in the tank. The temp only dropped by 2 degrees F, so it wasn't much of an issue.

I received orders from my wife this morning to go out and buy a generator. It won't be the quadruple redundant system that you have, but it will buy me some piece of mind.

I'm thankful that the power outage wasn't longer - a local reefer lost almost all of his stock last week when the power went out for more than 24 hrs.
Hey Peter, as a fellow Ontarian, I wanted to let you know how fantastic this tank is looking so far, and there isn't even anything in it yet!! I am extremely impressed with the patience and professionalism you are treating the whole project with. I am waiting on the edge of my seat for more updates, but no hurry ;) I hope to have the privilege of visiting you one day if you ever decide to show your tank to the public.

Anyways, keep it up, and great job!

Peter is too busy to take pictures now so perhaps I can help him out and take some of the pressure of him

sorting out the tank cleaning


pump situation settled

tank room is finished


one last trip to the dollar store


Peter goes back to work


first fish purchased


experts are consulted


special live rock flown in--only the best


tank crew takes a min for lunch


a candid shot of who really is in charge

LOL @ capn, but seriously the first fish purchased needs to be much larger and I'm sure he gives the crew no breaks for lunch! Crack the whip!
May I see the epoxy?:wave:

We have run a few tests with fabulous results. We took some river rock and glued it dry, and glued it wet, and took some live rock and put it together under water. ChingChai you were right, this stuff really works well. In some ways I believe it will enhance my aquascape because it offers more flexability in design options. It truly hardens like steel and it seems to do it faster than I expected. I don't want to steal the thunder from the Bros Grimm in their assessment which will follow in the form of some significant progress in the tank aquasculpture I hope. I will be taking photos of each step. We think It will take a week to complete the live rock sculpture and we hope to start in earnest on Friday. I also have my fingers crossed that our 5 pumps arrive from Germany soon.

Can you let me know where to purchase this one?
Any link would be very helpful?
Thank you.

That's right, no turkeys in Thailand :) Too bad they would be great with satay or green curry :)

I use these "basters" for water changes in fish bowls but they are also great for blasting detritus out of rock work, target feeding, and sucking that last little bit of water out of pipes when you are re-plumbing.

Maybe Peter can ship you a box of 120 of them. I get mine from the dollar store. I bought 30 of them once and they gave me dirty looks like I had some kind of fetish :)
That's right, no turkeys in Thailand :) Too bad they would be great with satay or green curry :)

I get mine from the dollar store. I bought 30 of them once and they gave me dirty looks like I had some kind of fetish :)

Mr W.
You owe me a glass of scotch. I read this and spit my drink all over the keyboard :beer:
On a side note this thread is getting harder and harder to keep up with. The amount of posts and replies is amazing. Keep up the great work team 9ball.
Mr W.
You owe me a glass of scotch. I read this and spit my drink all over the keyboard :beer:
On a side note this thread is getting harder and harder to keep up with. The amount of posts and replies is amazing. Keep up the great work team 9ball.

I'm not kidding either. I had one of those tiny dollar store shopping carts overflowing with turkey basters. I got to the cash and gave them the "what!" look.

I never turn down a scotch even if I'm buying. Stop buy and visit us at MACNA if you can make it.

BTW big news. The kind folks from Aqua-Digital (Profilux, Fauna Marin, Prodibio, Bubble-magus) have offered Peter & I a home base at the MACNA show. Please come by the and say hey! Our funny Canadian accents may scare you at first but once you get past it we're really not that strange :)
That's right, no turkeys in Thailand :) Too bad they would be great with satay or green curry :)

I use these "basters" for water changes in fish bowls but they are also great for blasting detritus out of rock work, target feeding, and sucking that last little bit of water out of pipes when you are re-plumbing.

Maybe Peter can ship you a box of 120 of them. I get mine from the dollar store. I bought 30 of them once and they gave me dirty looks like I had some kind of fetish :)

Thanks for the answer.
I got mine from an Aussie friend.
It works very well to blow flatworm, nudi etc.
But can't find the decent one in Bangkok.
So I may let my friend buy it from the dollar store.
Thanks for the answer.
I got mine from an Aussie friend.
It works very well to blow flatworm, nudi etc.
But can't find the decent one in Bangkok.
So I may let my friend buy it from the dollar store.

Believe it or not there is a real range of quality in turkey basters. Some are better than others. Mr. Wilson, perhaps we can get a group buy together.......yes, perhaps an anomonous group buy.

If ChingChai wants a quality turkey baster, ChingChai will get a quality turkey baster.............

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