Coral Tank from Canada (1350gal Display Tank)

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A whole week without any updates. Must have my reef fix. Any news?



OK Dave, we have been working steadily every day for the last month. with all the primary elements in place on the equipment sled our focus has been refining, improving equipment and processes that experience suggests a better way. One major decision Mr. Wilson and I have agreed on is to add 36X2 feet (eighteen feet on either side of the MH's) of LED's to our Aqua Medic MH/T5 lights. We believe the Metal Halides are still necessary to accomplish a best practice with respect to lighting on just about every level. Esthetically, you can't beat the results with the LED,MH,T5 mix. You can achieve optimal results without diluting the quality of light necessary for the health and welfare of your coral inhabitants. The combination also drops the amount of time the MH must stay on for a more efficient cost curve. We are expecting the lights to arrive in the next two weeks so stay tuned. We have been out scouring the LFS's for fish and corals and I will be doing an extensive photo update soon. Our next priorities are to bring the Profilux on line............install the new LED's over the display tank and install the hospital tank in the fish room. Those would be the top three priorities out of about twenty in the hopper.

Stuff that Mr. Wilson has never seen !!!!!!!

Stuff that Mr. Wilson has never seen !!!!!!!

nineball said:
Stuff that Mr. Wilson has never seen !!!!!!!
Darn! I hate when I lose my contact lens like that!


Glad to see things have come so far along. Thx for the update.

Fish Room Guests.......

Fish Room Guests.......

You may remember this guy......


Now meet his new friend next door......

These guys have mated !!!!!!!

These guys have mated !!!!!!!

We saw her passing the eggs to him.......


And this Guy is waiting to greet the new family.......

Just in case you missed him..............

Just in case you missed him..............


That's it for the moment.......Mr. Wilson has a huge update coming so I will not steal any of his thunder.......



Please don't include the copy of the pic in any comments (unless its specific to a question) as it takes up too much space on the thread.


Been working through this ten pages at a time on my lunch breaks..fantastic is all that I can say. The commitment to best practice has really made me start to rethink my tank from the bottom up.

Its been said before but when your tank fills in its going to be unreal...and the arch with gorgonians is amazing.

Thanks for sharing
Mr Wilson's Mars Bars are more like "Peter's Fish Shop". Epic build guys, really loving the attention to detail. Second to none IMO.

You are too kind. Thanks for the encouragement. You may recall that I was born in Adelaide..........and was forced to leave at the age of two months....against my will, I might add. Now I'm living in a wet, somewhat soggy, snowbank. Someone said its supposed to go down to -25C with the wind chill which I suspect is somewhat colder than where you are at the moment.

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