Coral Tank from Canada (1350gal Display Tank)

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You might try composing some of your updates on an outside program and then using the cut/paste method. This would allow you to compose, rearrange, mull over your prose before posting and avoid those time outs.

I have 2 questions.

1. A while back there was some convo about webcams, websites, servers and such that would allow us to see our tank. Any updates?

2. There was also talk about someone posting the pics from the beginning somewhere that could easily be referenced. Has this been done?

Oops make that 3 questions.....sorry.

3. Cap'n Hylinur was tracking and storing the vital info from this great thread, is that "scribe" process still going on and what are the plans if you wouldn't mind sharing the vision.

Thanks again for everything TEAM NINEBALL!!!!


Hi Scott, Yes the web cam has been set up and it is still being tested. I am going to wait until the LED's have been installed before I open the web channel. Probably about a month from now.

Dave.M has been working on getting a web site ready that would allow that but I need to get him a password which I have been trying to get. This too shall come to pass.

I know the Cap'n was doing an excellent job with the photo journal but I haven't heard from him of late so I will use your prod to go find out.

Hi Peter and thanks for the update !

Regarding the lights, I saw on other threads that the plasma lights offered a more blueish hue that's more pleasing to the eyes of many aquarists, while apparently still having a good output in PUR and PAR.

It has also been confirmed by the importer of the Profilux that at least some of them can be dimmed by a 0-10V controller, like the one of the Profilux.

Have you tried anythin like that since you put your profilux online, and if yes what were your thought on the results ?

Thanks for sharing ! :rollface:

Lighting thoughts. The biggest issue that I see coming is the balance between what is available and what we need. Relatively speaking our hobby is a small segement of what's needed and therefore manufacturers offer existing products that may not "exactly" suit our needs. Finding someone to provide the proper spectrum will be tantamount to "best practice".
Hopefully TEAM NINEBALL will succeed in finding the proper solution at a reasonable cost. Afterall what good is best practice if it is totally out of reach. Thus far best practice has been reasonable. I am confident that lighting on a tank this size can reasonably be scaled down to ohhh say... a 54 gallon tank...reasonably..
Lighting thoughts. The biggest issue that I see coming is the balance between what is available and what we need. Relatively speaking our hobby is a small segement of what's needed and therefore manufacturers offer existing products that may not "exactly" suit our needs. Finding someone to provide the proper spectrum will be tantamount to "best practice".
Hopefully TEAM NINEBALL will succeed in finding the proper solution at a reasonable cost. Afterall what good is best practice if it is totally out of reach. Thus far best practice has been reasonable. I am confident that lighting on a tank this size can reasonably be scaled down to ohhh say... a 54 gallon tank...reasonably..

The team is in complete agreement with your view and welcomes your challenge to find a solution for a ohhhhh approximately 54 gallon tank.


ps. Thanks for the vote of confidence!
Amazing tank and what makes it more amazing having a lot of striped shrimp. How can you take care of them and what do you feed them?
this is a test

this is a test

nineball said:
this is a test
When I first started to scroll down from the black into the blue I thought it was a space shot of the limn of planet Earth. :lol: I'm glad I have a large screen on my desktiop. :thumbsup:

When I first started to scroll down from the black into the blue I thought it was a space shot of the limn of planet Earth. :lol: I'm glad I have a large screen on my desktiop. :thumbsup:



I thought the same thing when I scrolled down on my tablet. Hahaha.
I'd say this test was a success!!!!
Here's a note to the engineers............all we want is a white ipod. No circuits, wires, connectors, light bulbs or for sure goofy fans that are absolutely going to die the first night we risk going out to dinner.

Hello Peter, I'm an Engineer in electronic :spin3::spin1::spin2::hmm3:

So, here is my little comment regarding LED lighting. I agree that the best lighting is without FAN. The used of fans over LED lighting is required to minimize the heatsink size because most people do not want a bulky LED fixture over their tank. So, to avoid that, the designer uses a smaller heatsink in combination with a Fan (Active cooling over passif cooling). Therefore an oversize Heatsink can be used without fan without problem. Also, if i remember well, we have a very nice air-exchange over your tank with docking. You can use this advantage to cool your fixture (much easier to cool an LED fixture than a MH fixture.

Also, there are various technic to drive the LED to minimize the number of power supply require to power this LED.

But I also agree that the shimming is very different between LED and MH because of the multiple of LED (light) source. Unfortunetly, we need different LED type to get the color we want over the tank. But at this point, it's more taste related than equipment. You like or you dislike.

Question: you have a lot of gorgonian corals in your tank, I have tried to keep one of those in my tank without any success? So, I though there were almost impossible to keep in our tank. Could you tell us which species you get and what their requirement to keep them alive? Because there are so gorgeous, I want to get some for my tank if they will ever drive in my tank.

You can see my tank before my tank crash last year: (it's not a commercial website, it's my personnal website and there is only a video).

I'm trying to find excuse to go to Toronto to pass by and see your system. :)

Best Regards and your tank is awesome!
When I first started to scroll down from the black into the blue I thought it was a space shot of the limn of planet Earth. :lol: I'm glad I have a large screen on my desktiop. :thumbsup:


So did I. I was wondering what a view of the Earth had to do with this pic lol. What an amazing picture.
Wow! What a ride going through this thread. I feel like I know you guys, such great detail and so much information. I am part way through an upgrade to a 180 with all my rock and critters in stock tanks in my office, I was getting frustrated till I read though this now in re-inspired, and I have book marked countless pages of info I will use, thank you guys so much!!
Mandarin Goby

Mandarin Goby

Test shot..........


sorry if this is too big......This is an experiment to see if I can use the full size format to capture and show the newest members of the tank....... The cardinals are showing a baby bump!!!!!!

Our first new citizen.............

Our first new citizen.............


The acrylic causes a slight distortion but its worth it to document our first tank raised citizen.

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