Mr. Wilson and I are waiting for:
the two new sumps to arrive for the Wilson Bars,
one new sump for the Hospital ICU Tank,
some new electrical work for the 18 additional LED units as well as final wiring for the Profilux 3ex controller,
We have moved most of the wildlife from the Wilson Bars to the display tank. All the Wilson Bars now have UV lights installed and working. Most of the initial programming has been done for the profilux but I will let Mr. Wilson discuss what that now entails. There is a considerable effort going on at the moment tweaking the various systems in the fish room. Establishing the right maintenance practices in the correct order is proving challenging. Simplicity is the goal for managing a very complex environment.
I am very excited with our achievement in saving the two cardinal babies and putting them in the Wilson Bars for the time being. We are feeding them live shrimp and they are looking like two very plump and healthy mosquitoes. There could be a considerable number of fry in the main tank but it will probably be some time before we know because there are so many places to hide.
I am learning to live a balanced life watching life evolve in the tank. I find it is all to often difficult to just put your feet up and relax watching the tank. It is easy to forget that life in the wild and even in a captive environment isn't always predictable or perfect. While I am running around with a magnifying glass looking for problems life is passing us by. Learning to keep an emotional balance should be part of the instructional manual for this thing. It would be a huge qualitative boost to just accept a balance to things we can't or should not change.
More after I feed the fish.................