:thumbsup: very nice update, thank you, tank is looking spectacular! Do you plan to eventually replace the MH's with LED's?
also, what is your current plan for QT and treatment of coral/fish? what pests have you discovered thus far in the display?
Amazing build. I only found it about a month ago but decided I must start from the beginning, and now getting caught up it was very much worth the time.
Can you provide any info on the stand for the hospital tank?
The rock was bone white when it went in 7 months ago. The corals have been steadily added over the past three months and have attached and grown well.
Thanks for all the kind remarks everyone. I'm glad we have been able to share our experience and knowledge. I have kept the thread positive, focusing on the equipment we have been happy with, rather than dwelling on the brands that have been disappointing. One thing I would not like to see come out of this thread is a positive endorsement for these products.
A few people have asked about the acrylic tank manufacturer (ATM). I would like to go on record that I am not satisfied with the build quality and materials of the tank, refugium and original sump/wet-dry. To be fair, this is the only ATM tank, sump and refugium I have seen in person, but I'm, not impressed with any of them. The sump design was very poor with no top frame. It broke before I started on the project. The refugium design is poor and there was no top frame so I had to add an expensive aluminum frame and redesign the drain. The overflow teeth are much too big on the tank, the seams have a lot of void spaces and bubbles, the top and bottom edges aren't polished, and the top frame was built out of a bad pour sheet (1/2" variance in thickness). These seconds are common and usually get melted down into a new sheet.
We would like to replace the mhl as soon as we can find similar LEDs. Orphek sent me some samples of their new 100 watt single source (high bay) light yesterday. They should be here this week. I'm just not sure if we can fit them over the tank with our low clearance.
We give all new corals a 15 minute bath in Lugol's iodine then a 15 minute bath in Two Little Fishies Revive. It's hard to identify all the "stuff" at the bottom of the buckets, but I have fount two mantis shrimp so far. If I miss an acro crab, it dies or at least staggers out of the coral within minutes. Now I wish we had bathed the live rock, as we are dealing with a 4" nuisance crab now. We had montipora nudibranchs (flatworms) on one of our smaller monitipora, but we managed to remove them with the coral. As soon as we see a significant problem, we remove the coral to the Mars quarantine system for concentrated feeding and observation.
Mr. Wilson,
Do we skip the Wison Bar water change today??
ps. We now have a total of three new baby cardinals two days old and two one month old. Not bad for a beginner!!!! Just in case you are confused, the beginners would be me and the fish of course.
what is your QT protocol for fish? Do you prophylactically treat for anything?
skip it. They can get caught up with the other stuff.
A very enjoyable read. And you are having fun too !
Did the aiptasia pasting work. Any more show up.
I noticed some green bubble algae in a coral pic. Warmed my heart as I stare at it nightly in my tank and muse. Do you expect it to clear up or do you plan on attacking it also.