Peter, as a member who has followed you from the begining, I can say - the LED lights are the best thing that happened to this tank (apart from you hiring mr. Wilson). The shot with only the LED's on is amazing. What keeps you from going all LED over your tank (apart from PAR and space issues)?
What is a good par meter to buy?
Quantum meters are what most people use.
Some close-up photos on how-to with an expert on hand would probably be appreciated by anyone new to raising mangroves. Just a thoughtnineball said:Vic, the mangroves are coming along great. I am very pleased with the results so far. The growth is just starting to take off. Soon I'm going to have to get some advice on the best pruning strategies from this thread community. We will be taking some measurements but not until the mangroves have become well established first.
swissguard said:start with the tips of the leaves first
Quantum meters are what most people use.
Wow the tank filled out great!
Well it took the better part of a week (and I'm talking reading 24/7 :spin2but I finally finished it all. And this thread is definitely deserving of my first post. Kudos to team Nineball and thank your for your amazing work and exciting read! :reading:
I haven't had a tank in about 10 years and am looking to get back into it again. I will move slowly but I sure learned a lot more with Mr. Wilson's and the rest of the pros here.
I read somewhere in your thread that you lived in St. Johns at one point. How long did you live there? Growing up our family had a house on Deer Island, New Brunswick, not too far from St. Jonhs, and there were lots of great memories. The Bay of Fundy is an amazing place!
Ok back to your tank... A couple of questions! Have you decided on any more grand masters? You said a while back that #2 would be relieved in now it's May so how about a second?:worried:
Second question and an easy one...can you tell me if there is a special fish or coral that you have been waiting on getting? Maybe a prized fish? It would be fun to see what's on your short list...or dream list.
Hope to see you at Sea-MAX this summer, I'll be there.
Now I have to go and read Ching's thread... :beer:
Some close-up photos on how-to with an expert on hand would probably be appreciated by anyone new to raising mangroves. Just a thought
Query for Mr.Wilson regarding dipping corals: How would you treat a coral with Christmas Tree worms in it (supposing you wanted to retain the worms, of course)? Do you have any experience with these?
Peter, one more question regarding LEDs - earlier in the thread you have mentioned a 'perfect' LED system, if i remember correctly designed by Philips. Only negative aspect was the price... So, could you elaborate a bit on the design and construction of that system?
Wow, what can I say? I stumbled across Chingchai's thread a few weeks ago and it was quite obvious by Peter's remarks that he was someone very special with a eloquent way of expressing himself. When he mentioned he was about to start a build , I was naturally drawn in.
I must say Peter, you are one exceptional human being . What you , Mr. Wilson and the rest of the team have been able to accomplish is nothing short of phenomenal .An educational ,exciting and very enjoyable journey, presented with class , humor and with great feeling of involvement within the reefing community.I applaud and thank you for your effort, well done sir !
The four grand masters theme has always been interesting to me. I never peeked ahead to see who they would end up being and have always felt that it would be very difficult to pull off. My first thought was that honoring Chingchai for his influence would be a noble gesture , but there is only one grand master and that of course is mother nature . That is after all what we are trying to duplicate IMO .I hope you don't take this wrong , I have only admiration and thanks for your effort and contribution. Keep it up , you are an inspiration to us all !
Finally 8 days from start to finish. I had been out of the hobby for the last 7 years until I decided to check out the tank of the month and saw this thread. I realize I have alot of catching up to do since my departure. Truly inspirational. If only I had a Mr. Wilson, Chago, Grimm brothers, and others in the Cincinnati area to guide me. Special thanks to Peter for re-introducing my long lost love for the hobby and contributing all that he has to the community.
Thanks, Mike
Another principle that I am coming to terms with is that a healthy reef is always evolving and that immutable fact is that change will always be a random factor mixed in to the best laid plans. If I can accept this fact of life, I might eventually get to enjoy this hobby.