Coral Tank from Canada (1350gal Display Tank)

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FYI - A short while ago (just a few pages back) the discussion was on mangroves and mention was made of a little booklet called A Guide to the Ecology and Care of Mangroves by Julian spring. This booklet has not been available in stores for quite a while. It is, however, available free on-line here from the publishers, Two Little Fishies Inc.

hey, i haven't gotten my new issue yet! BTW Coral is THE best hobbyist mag by far.


nothing i am sure we haven't seen in much more detail here though.

hey, i haven't gotten my new issue yet! BTW Coral is THE best hobbyist mag by far.


nothing i am sure we haven't seen in much more detail here though.


I haven't seen it yet. If it's a positive reference then I think all the long termers in this thread have earned the right to take a bow. Soooo you first Carl!!!!

I spent a great deal of time trying to negotiate my way through the website to subscribe to the electronic edition. After I finally figured it out I paid and was accepted as a subscriber BUT only after you join do you discover that the current digital mag is 'coming soon'. I'm not sure there is any logic here but the print version is the only one out so if you buy just the digital version(as I did) then you are out of luck. Totally weird.

I haven't seen it yet. If it's a positive reference then I think all the long termers in this thread have earned the right to take a bow. Soooo you first Carl!!!!

I spent a great deal of time trying to negotiate my way through the website to subscribe to the electronic edition. After I finally figured it out I paid and was accepted as a subscriber BUT only after you join do you discover that the current digital mag is 'coming soon'. I'm not sure there is any logic here but the print version is the only one out so if you buy just the digital version(as I did) then you are out of luck. Totally weird.


Coral Magazine e-mails me a newsletter. The last one references the HLLE and carbon article. If you e-mail me your e-mail address I'll forward it to you.

The print version of Coral is an excellent "Coffee Table" magazine. Printed on very high quality stock and would make an excellent addition to your lower level aquarium room.

Peter - its your fault that I lost 2 nights sleep reading this awesome threat; only to half of it yet. Fantastic tank and source of knowledge ==> subscribed and 1000 thanks for your work sharing it
The print version of Coral is an excellent "Coffee Table" magazine. Printed on very high quality stock and would make an excellent addition to your lower level aquarium room.


Actually Eddie, you make a good point. I have just started building my library of print material for access and display around the aquarium so this is actually a good suggestion.


Coral Magazine e-mails me a newsletter. The last one references the HLLE and carbon article. If you e-mail me your e-mail address I'll forward it to you.


Thanks Jared I have got it and read it.............good stuff all round. I saw it when I was trying to figure out how to get the electronic subscription.

Peter - its your fault that I lost 2 nights sleep reading this awesome threat; only to half of it yet. Fantastic tank and source of knowledge ==> subscribed and 1000 thanks for your work sharing it

I have said it before and I will say it again to each and everyone who tries to read through this thread........Thank you for taking the time and becoming a full citizen of this community. Mr. Wilson and I are overwhelmed with how many friends, coaches, supporters we have met in this place and our community tank is the beneficiary.

Welcome to our group!!

OMG this build is AMAZING!!!!!!!

As Mr Wilson has explained to me the really unique feature to this build compared to many others is that we are just really beginning this project. Now all the real work and science can start. We have a long way to go yet.

I was checking out you're thread and was blown away! I am also considering switching to LEDs. I just need to convince my wife :)

Dave, Just to be clear, the jury is still out on whether just LED's can provide the quality and bandwidth of light that would represent a best practice for our hobby.

Remember, this build has been and will continue to be about best practices....not most cost effective as some are and some are not. What is the best practice for lighting for our coral and fish. There are a huge number of factors that need to be considered in the mix. Amount of light is only one factor, type of light is another. Length of time is another. Water quality affects light. Some of our inhabitants prefer dim, cloudy even soupy water quality but this flies in the face of a majority of tanks who want pure, crystal clear salt water for the nice aesthetic results. Then of course there is the aesthetic itself which appears to favour a bluer light 14K for a growing faction of the reef community. The animals we are trying to keep however come from a wide diversity of lighting conditions and depths of the ocean.

So the best arrangement that I have determined represents a best practice is a mix of lighting products and practices that are capable of offering the widest assortment of lighting conditions throughout the day (and night).

Having said all of that............I am impressed with the Orphek LED technologies that I have been experimenting with. The company appears to be on a path of constant improvement which I respect and has incorporated a number of our feedback issues very well. I pay market prices just like everyone else on this thread so its truly a case of searching for the best based on real world experience and measurement and not on the basis of freebies.

I have also been impressed with the Aqua-Medic MH/T5 lights we have been using. They are unusual in the sense that they each have 4 250W MH lights as well as T5's in a 6 foot housing that has no fans! They are totally silent. I admit having a personal bias for silence so I really like these lights. They are also very low profile and don't take up an excessive amount of space for what they offer.

I also like the ability to mix the lights for different colour temperatures and frequencies without the 'spotlight' effects ruining the aesthetic. The attitude of the company has been very positive right up to the President who has listened and responded very well to our requests for help and information. I need to mention here that the company has discontinued the regular production of the 6 ft lights that we like so much. We knew that at the outset but our experience was so positive with the technology that the president agreed to support them for us and would build more as a special order if requested.

I still believe that LED's will eventually provide 90% of the best available light to 95% of the constituents in our hobby community. We are NOT there yet but I believe it is inevitable that we will get there.

Dave, Just to be clear, the jury is still out on whether just LED's can provide the quality and bandwidth of light that would represent a best practice for our hobby.

Remember, this build has been and will continue to be about best practices....not most cost effective as some are and some are not. What is the best practice for lighting for our coral and fish. There are a huge number of factors that need to be considered in the mix. Amount of light is only one factor, type of light is another. Length of time is another. Water quality affects light. Some of our inhabitants prefer dim, cloudy even soupy water quality but this flies in the face of a majority of tanks who want pure, crystal clear salt water for the nice aesthetic results. Then of course there is the aesthetic itself which appears to favour a bluer light 14K for a growing faction of the reef community. The animals we are trying to keep however come from a wide diversity of lighting conditions and depths of the ocean.

So the best arrangement that I have determined represents a best practice is a mix of lighting products and practices that are capable of offering the widest assortment of lighting conditions throughout the day (and night).

Having said all of that............I am impressed with the Orphek LED technologies that I have been experimenting with. The company appears to be on a path of constant improvement which I respect and has incorporated a number of our feedback issues very well. I pay market prices just like everyone else on this thread so its truly a case of searching for the best based on real world experience and measurement and not on the basis of freebies.

I have also been impressed with the Aqua-Medic MH/T5 lights we have been using. They are unusual in the sense that they each have 4 250W MH lights as well as T5's in a 6 foot housing that has no fans! They are totally silent. I admit having a personal bias for silence so I really like these lights. They are also very low profile and don't take up an excessive amount of space for what they offer.

I also like the ability to mix the lights for different colour temperatures and frequencies without the 'spotlight' effects ruining the aesthetic. The attitude of the company has been very positive right up to the President who has listened and responded very well to our requests for help and information. I need to mention here that the company has discontinued the regular production of the 6 ft lights that we like so much. We knew that at the outset but our experience was so positive with the technology that the president agreed to support them for us and would build more as a special order if requested.

I still believe that LED's will eventually provide 90% of the best available light to 95% of the constituents in our hobby community. We are NOT there yet but I believe it is inevitable that we will get there.


Wow... just as eloquent as your first post. I have seen many build threads fizzle, but it is usually because the owner looses interest. Thanks for imparting your wisdom to us.

Peter, don't forget that magnetic induction lamps are becoming more and more available to general public.

I know that they are first and foremost dedicated to horticultural community, but there will be some dedicated for our hobby.
And from what i've read the technology offers more advantages for our hobby than LED or MH. I'm sure you have investigated into this technology - maybe not in the "hands on approach" since there are none that offer lighting required by marine animals, but you sure must have had some interesting conversations with your team and have read some manufacturer's previews...

So in general, what's your take on them?

Regards, Dainius
Peter, don't forget that magnetic induction lamps are becoming more and more available to general public.

I know that they are first and foremost dedicated to horticultural community, but there will be some dedicated for our hobby.
And from what i've read the technology offers more advantages for our hobby than LED or MH. I'm sure you have investigated into this technology - maybe not in the "hands on approach" since there are none that offer lighting required by marine animals, but you sure must have had some interesting conversations with your team and have read some manufacturer's previews...

So in general, what's your take on them?

Regards, Dainius

Dainius, I can't comment as you have noted without the hands on experience that seems for the greater part necessary for our judgements in this thread. However I will invite Mr. Wilson to make his thoughts known on this subject when he gets a chance.

I can say however that the north american aversion to technologies reliant on mercury is quite strong. I think there will be far less resistance to LED technology and thus more resistance to Mag Induction lamp that offers more but only a small margin that will not dilute the resistance to mercury or amalgam based products.

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