Thank you very much. The arch is very much Chingchai's design. It's not that others haven't experimented with the concept but Chingchai's dominant positioning of the arch with the foresight to allow the coral to outgrow it to the point where the actual rock disappears makes it truly unique. The recognition of the importance and significance of the equipment room as part of the display experience also belongs to Chingchai. If you haven't taken the time yet to work through his build from the beginning .....I highly recommend it. It's a fascinating read and extremely inspirational. I would not have undertaken my build had I not read his thread.
Thanks for the should post a pic or two for our enjoyment.
I've been playing around with trying to post pics:headwallblue:- I guess thumbnails are a start. First picture is about a month old- we have recently changed out the 20K MH's to match the center 14K MH but I don't have that picture handy. Yes, I am old school. I continue to research LED lighting and will probably make the switch in a couple of years. Second is a current actinic shot.
-Thank you for your interest.