Sounds like there is a bit of a time restraint happening here, making hasty decisions isn't going to help, the closed loop returns, feeds and the sump returns if addressed correctly will at least save you some issues.
All the sump returns should be pointed towards the overflow ends, all the C/L returns should be pointing away from the overflows,the C/L drains should point towards the overflow boxes aiding in gaining momentum. this will cause some dynamic flow and get the crap at the surface out of the tank and to where it should be, as it is at the moment you will have surfactants pooling on the surface in a number of locations doing nothing but harm. It is hard to tell exactly what size pipe you have coming from below the tank but once it has been reduced adding a bunch of elbows realizes nothing, keep them mathematically correct ie if you have a 1 1/2 C/L return then use only two one inch outlets pointing away from overflow boxes for maximum effect.
Please install ball valves below wherever possible so that changes down the road will at least be an option.
Now just get those sump returns at the surface and closed loop returns at the bottom pointing the right direction and you're in business.
Yes, you need to get those strainers replaced with the ones suggested by Mr. Wilson. I use one of those on each of my CLs and they work extremely well. I don't think you need two per CL, however. One has more than enough surface area to reduce suction to "completely harmless".
Make sure you can access them for quick cleaning and replacement. Yes, moving them a few inches higher is also a good idea to reduce the chances of sand getting sucked in.
All I can think:
Dear god, some of you guys are working with an unbelievable amount of money! I'm a super intelligent/talented guy, I really need to figure out how to exploit myself into 6 figures a year.
Subscribed, astonishing home you have, incredible build.
Have you considered using a Dialyseas system? There is a tank locally that has one along with their automated filter system, and I've been really impressed with the results. One of the benefits of the Dialyseas system on tanks with large skimmers is that it helps you to maintain that perfect salinity all the time. You don't have to worry about your skimmer running wet and your ATO system pumping fresh water into your tank and throwing off your salinity level. The Dialyseas uses a concentrated brine solution to regulate the salinity in your tank keeping it spot on all the time. It seems like you have the budget for the system. My thought is, why not?
The same company also makes an automatic filtration system that is essentially 10 micron filter material on a slowly moving spool. This system works really well to polish the water and remove particulates without leaking nitrates back into your system.
Having seen both of these in action I was really impressed and they might be something you want to think about before you move forward with your equipment.
Hope this helped.
As I'm sure a majority on this thread would agree, money will NOT guarantee a success with this build. The issues noted so far have nothing to do with money......they have to do with planning, discipline, execution and attitude. Six figures is considerably easier to get than producing a quality build on this scale in my opinion. But what do I know............
Welcome Reefteck, this group can always use an intelligent/talented guy. Seriously, mistakes will be made and if you are willing to help reduce them you are very welcome to join this group.
If you are unhappy with it at any time,let me know and ill buy it off you.
CANNOT AGREE MORE!!! i wish i could get one of these on my next project.
I'm not sure if you took this suggestion into consideration. It would really cut down on the amount of work you would need to do with respect to water changes.
Here is one of my favorite TOTM. Paul uses one of the Dailyseas and swears by it. I highly recommend you consider this with a system this large. You will thank me later. If you are unhappy with it at any time,let me know and ill buy it off you.