Coral Tank from Canada (1350gal Display Tank)

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This thread has been nominated for April 2010 Thread of the Month! You can vote here :thumbsup:.

I honestly never knew after all the time on this forum that there was such a thing........but come on guys.......its a bit premature really.

Neat idea though, wish I thought of that!

Hey! I was the first to vote for Thread of the Month.

Guess which one I chose? :jester:

Wow I just looked at the link......that's very cool. The best part of it is that its this group that is recognized for its quality involvement in the hobby. Truthfully???/I'd vote for you folks, you are the ones giving me enough courage to keep me from putting my head in the sump!!!!!!

Nice recognition to be nominated like that.......take a bow, you guys deserve it.

To show my appreciation I will bring you all a bouquet of pictures from Jakarta tonight. Well, not really from Jakarta...from Oakville but with sights and smells from Jakarta. Well, you may have to take my word for the smells.......


An L shaped tank has three reference points to the viewer - the two ends and the bend in the middle. Now just make your four elements fit with those three references and your in business.

L shaped tanks are a big plus when the reef is viewed from one side (the outside angle). It's the two sided tanks that prove to be a challenge.

I hope to challenge that view. Correct me if I'm wrong, there are very few if any L shaped aquaria with full access and view from both sides. The outside angle does not imply mirror image in reverse when viewed from the inside vantage fact properly done the landscape can be dramatically different. In order to accomplish this feat of architectural diversity you would need really really neat rock first............see where this is heading???

38 mins left on the file transfer then its Premium Branch Rock Heaven for us all.

I hope to challenge that view. Correct me if I'm wrong, there are very few if any L shaped aquaria with full access and view from both sides. The outside angle does not imply mirror image in reverse when viewed from the inside vantage fact properly done the landscape can be dramatically different. In order to accomplish this feat of architectural diversity you would need really really neat rock first............see where this is heading???

38 mins left on the file transfer then its Premium Branch Rock Heaven for us all.


Challenge accepted :) If you are anything like my wife you should have no problem proving me wrong :) That's why I participate on forums, it's my only chance to win an argument. Now you see where I get my drive from.

You are correct the vast majority of L and boomerang shaped tanks are viewed solely from the outside angle. The 50,000 gallon tank I posted the video of is one of the exceptions to the rule, but I don't think it falls under any of the rules. One of the owners of Aquatic Kingdom down the street from you in Missisauga has a 450 gallon tank with the primary viewing angle as an inner angle. He resolved the lighting issue by using 400 watt MHL along the length (right and left) and 1000 watt MHL in the centre bend where it is wider.

In addition to the rock orientation challenge, the inside corner has a sight vector issue caused by the seam at the 90 degree bend. It causes an optical illusion as fish swim around the corner and some strange funhouse mirror effects. Your tank is wide so you have that to your advantage.

Please don't take this as discouraging your idea. I'm just trying to cast some light into the tunnel you have entered.
Live Rock ---The Begining

Live Rock ---The Begining

The truck with 48 boxes of live rock from Jakarta. For the folks who only look at pictures, All of this is Premium Jakarta branch rock with some plate rock added for platforming where appropriate.






How fresh is this stuff really?

How fresh is this stuff really?

Someone suggested checking the newspaper for dates to see just when the product was shipped.........soooooooooo

todays date is April 3rd and it arrived late last night at midnight in Toronto


and this little guy jumped out to greet us !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The rock was very wet, warm and not smelly at sort of smelled like......i dunno..............VICTORY!!


What am I bid for that piece????

Here is some examples of the variety of shapes.....

Here is some examples of the variety of shapes.....


I call this one .....for the Canadian elder statesmen..............

The Avero Arrow.......




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Very nice rock, and congrats on your threads nomination. I have read all 3 threads and cast my vote for yours. One last thing, please put some gloves on when handling that rock!
Very nice rock, and congrats on your threads nomination. I have read all 3 threads and cast my vote for yours. One last thing, please put some gloves on when handling that rock!

Thank you a whole bunch.........and thanks for the glove recommendation. Those were NOT my hands.....I never came out from behind the camera......ok thats not entirely true but I did NOT handle the rock with my bare hands......those were the hands of my fish guy who I did warn as you guys instructed.....but he refused and even started licking the ro....ok ok just kidding.

Seriously I didn't and wouldn't handle the fish guy??????well that's another thread.

Someone suggested checking the newspaper for dates to see just when the product was shipped.........soooooooooo

todays date is April 3rd and it arrived late last night at midnight in Toronto


Save me the cricket scores and beauty contest results.
Hey Pete

Good job so far.

Keep the waterchanges up on the rock. You cannot overdo it.
Once levels are good, introduce an eel or two into each barrel, a lunare wrasse and a harlie.
I would have sat all the rock on eggcrate suspended off the bottom so detritus and whatever can fall off the rock, and be drained out the base. This is how we do it at a commercial level.
We also then drain all the water, and set up a misting/sprinkler system to keep the rock moist. This causes crabs etc to come out of the rock in search for the water below, falling through to the eggcrate and below making them easy to separate.

Be sure to regularly change the position of your circulation pumps to avoid "dead" spots.

IMO ditch the CL setup, I've personally never been a fan.
Inefficient ie loss of too much flow through spreading the returns. Use too much power, noisy, bulky, a lot of expensive fittings, more moving parts, more leaking parts, and more parts to clean/service/replace.

Stream flow is far better for all organisms. Try to come up with a solution of all the cords leaving the aquarium in one place maybe through the highpoint in rockwork, or through a bulkhead etc.
Even the large stream linked/suggested earlier looked great.

I thought of suggesting the use of an oloid for water movement, but I'm not sure if you have somewhere appropriate to put one though.:sad2:

Anyway here is some info on it. They are quite effective.

For lighting, I think the use of plasma arc lamp is the way to go. Its called seashine.

And vids showing its impressiveness.

I think you're going about this in the right way. Lots of good info here.
Personally I think the naming of 4 "Grand Masters" as 4 different parts of your scape is a bit naff, however, if this is your way of paying homage to influences/inspirations to you, then fine, though getting the "peanut gallery" :lol: to vote on the final two is kinda defeating the purpose.

I know you keep reiterating thats it not about money but rather husbandry etc but unfortunately this isn't the case.
I understand and respect your modesty, as this is an endearing quality, and you certainly have won my respect with your humbleness.
Unfortunately the fact is you need the money to buy the best equipment, lighting, and most importantly livestock to create the most impressive displays whom you refer to as "Grand Masters".
Do you know how much livestock has died in Dave Saxby's tank? More than most people will ever buy in 10 lifetimes, but you know what, the second it's dead, a new impressive piece takes its place. That my friend is $$.
This does not mean that his husbandry skills are no good, rather, this is nature taking its course, life and death. I have a lot of respect for David, and Chingchai as they are both very good at what they do, but don't kid yourself that it has not all about the dollar to create the best displays.

Anyway, on a side note, I saw this lighting rig for a pool table, and thought you might like it, given the aquatic theme you got going on!
Thank you a whole bunch.........and thanks for the glove recommendation. Those were NOT my hands.....I never came out from behind the camera......ok thats not entirely true but I did NOT handle the rock with my bare hands......those were the hands of my fish guy who I did warn as you guys instructed.....but he refused and even started licking the ro....ok ok just kidding.

Seriously I didn't and wouldn't handle the fish guy??????well that's another thread.


Peter. The rock is more than perfect!
But you have to touch it, feel it and smell it with your bare hands.
This is the beginning of your journey.
Peter. The rock is more than perfect!
But you have to touch it, feel it and smell it with your bare hands.
This is the beginning of your journey.

Thank you my friend. I remember the time in your journey with the first aqua sculpting in your tank. I now appreciate the phenomenal accomplishment it was to see it take shape. I would love to have access to the skill of your team. They were terrific. I am going to follow your methodology on our build. I have met a great group of mentors on this thread. Did you dip or treat your rock with anything before putting it in your display tank??

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