Coral Tank from Canada (1350gal Display Tank)

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I am along for the execution of the plan. I hope to learn a few things along the way. Kudos to you, sir for the recognition of chingchai. I will embrace his thread and read it carefully. I have been reading and studying different techniques and methods on RC for almost a couple of years now and still don't feel ready to start a reef build. I am close. Thanks for taking the time to post this awesome build thread and thanks chingchai as well.

Thank you very much bigjoe......... about the feeling of being ready to start your build? I think it's safe to say that there isn't anyone on this forum who felt they were ready when they started. No kidding, its true. You do NOT wake up one morning and suddenly feel ready. Most will tell you that they get to a point where they get tired of waiting and simply take the plunge (pun intended). If you have been hanging on this forum for a couple of years something else is holding you back...................

thats a slight nudge bigjoe.......

And do read Chingchai's build. It is one of the best for all the areas he covers and shares with this community. He is a gentleman's gentleman. Let me know when you get to the elephant!!!!!

Oh, and thank you very much for your support and welcome to our small growing community where you will learn by my example that no question is too small or too silly to be asked here............RIGHT GALLERY???


OK that was helpful. I can't believe how much diversity there is with this rock. There are definately 'things' that are going to make it into my tank that should not. I'm not planning to be stupid about it but if you read those links just when the rock arrived you probably would return them to sender without opening a single box. My hope is that it will take all those critters a long time to destroy 1500 gal.

Good and helpful Mr. Wilson, thank you.

skimmed through most of this... absolutely amazing. i love the "L" shaped tanks, and this one looks like a beauty. ill be hangin around to see the end result for sure.
Just voted, this thread is winning by a long shot

Thank you Padrino, I have a confession to make..........I was unaware of the TOTM until yesterday so when I went to the link to check it out, I voted for it. So you must discount the enthusiasm by one as I am seriously biased.

But thank you for your enthusiasm and continues to be the Hi test fuel for this thread.

skimmed through most of this... absolutely amazing. i love the "L" shaped tanks, and this one looks like a beauty. ill be hangin around to see the end result for sure.

Thank you Cptn Spaulding, I was going to say that makes two of us but I have a feeling my journey never ends............How does it go? its not the destination, it's the journey. Welcome to the group sir.

^ +1 deffinitely worth a look......then another look. On second thought better budget the better part of the day....;)
This is what I menat by elbows and lift tubes for your airlines.
You can add a smaller version of these in each vat and leave the other airlines intact. They make sure the low oxygen water at the bottom is brought to the surface to be oxygenated. It isn't the contact of the bubbles rising from the airlines that adds oxygen, just the act of bringing new water to the surface.

All you need is a 90 degree elbow and some pipe and you greatly increase efficiency. If you have ozone you can add it post air pump for even more oxidization of organics and higher redox potential.

Redox potential is kind of like measuring the cardiovascular fitness of your system. It represents the waters ability to oxidize organic waste. With a high redox potential between 300-400 the water purifying (nitrifying) bacteria on your rock will reduce the ammonia and nitrite produced by the breakdown of dead organisms within the rock. With a low redox your vats "cardiovascular system" can barely break into a jog, much less run the marathon you need it for :)

As far as the smell test goes, you need to pull out a few sample rocks after you have had a few days of die-off. Only then when you smell the actual rock can you ascertain how you are doing. Cloudy water and or stringy white slime is also bad news, but certainly not uncommon.

Setting up a carbon filter and even a mechanical cartridge filter is a good idea. Diatom filters are great to run for a few hours every day.

You don't have to go overboard with all of these suggestions, but if you have the resources you might as well.
Tagging along. I just stumbled upon your build yesterday. I can't wait to see the rock work come together on this.:hammer:
My word Peter, your thread has kept me glued to the monitor for my entire Easter break! Well apart from darting away for the annual maintenance regime for my display.

Greetings and salutations from Brisbane, Australia.

You have certainly garnered the cream of the reefing fraternity to assist and lend their experience to your magnificent project. Above all of the material things that impress me with this thread is your masterful way in acknowledging and dealing with each post. A very blue personality and no doubt a contributor to your successes.

There's really nothing that I can add or even recommend that has not already been done, no matter how insignificant. Water flow/dynamics is without a doubt in my mind one of the most important considerations and exceptionally difficult to achieve with mega-tanks such as yours ... not just size, but the complexity derived from shape.

For what it is worth, I installed a CL on my display comprising an OM 8-Way (with penductors) driven by a Sequence Hammerhead pump with the intake sitting in the weir to avoid sand and livestock being sucked in ... plenty of water over the weir, but the weir alone is bigger than a lot of display tanks. It works very well and has only ever been serviced once in the past 3-years ... that took 20 mins to clean the pump and the 8-Way. The CL is supplemented with 4 x 6100 + 1 x 6201 Tunze and a single Vortech MP40W.

I might leave some references for your design team to ponder in relation to water flow although I perceive that by now the systems have been decided upon.

I fear my economic productivity will suffer as a consequence of now subscribing to your thread ... but I have to do it!

All the very best,

Tone :)
^ Chingchai, your thread started my addiction to following the big builds ... it is amongst the greatest I have read.

Tone :)
My word Peter, your thread has kept me glued to the monitor for my entire Easter break! Well apart from darting away for the annual maintenance regime for my display.

Greetings and salutations from Brisbane, Australia.

You have certainly garnered the cream of the reefing fraternity to assist and lend their experience to your magnificent project. Above all of the material things that impress me with this thread is your masterful way in acknowledging and dealing with each post. A very blue personality and no doubt a contributor to your successes.

There's really nothing that I can add or even recommend that has not already been done, no matter how insignificant. Water flow/dynamics is without a doubt in my mind one of the most important considerations and exceptionally difficult to achieve with mega-tanks such as yours ... not just size, but the complexity derived from shape.

For what it is worth, I installed a CL on my display comprising an OM 8-Way (with penductors) driven by a Sequence Hammerhead pump with the intake sitting in the weir to avoid sand and livestock being sucked in ... plenty of water over the weir, but the weir alone is bigger than a lot of display tanks. It works very well and has only ever been serviced once in the past 3-years ... that took 20 mins to clean the pump and the 8-Way. The CL is supplemented with 4 x 6100 + 1 x 6201 Tunze and a single Vortech MP40W.

I might leave some references for your design team to ponder in relation to water flow although I perceive that by now the systems have been decided upon.

I fear my economic productivity will suffer as a consequence of now subscribing to your thread ... but I have to do it!

All the very best,

Tone :)

Tone, first off do NOT do anything that will impair your economic activity. We will need all of your resources for my visit.

As I am sure you are aware by now, I am very predisposed to welcoming Australians to my tent or tank...... I have just started on the first link and couldn't keep reading without taking the time to say thanks. Exceptional quality and very readable.

On a personal note I appreciate your distillation of the best elements of this exceptional positive culture developing in this thread. You are right, we are very fortunate to have the phenomenal range of talent collecting in this group. I cannot express in words how scary this journey can be for those who must fly solo. Each forward step I take with the Reef Central citizenry mentoring me raises the level of courage I bring to the party. The quality and value of this experience can never be diminished by the inevitable ups and downs associated with the risks of this hobby.

Now back to some education...............

Thanks again Tone.

Tagging along. I just stumbled upon your build yesterday. I can't wait to see the rock work come together on this.:hammer:

Thank you RJS8540 and welcome to the group. I'm hoping I can get the live rock settled in temp storage properly so that I can focus on the fish room. I can't really begin the serious 'in tank' activities untill the support infrastructure is in place. This prep work is hugely critical for me.

I agree, it will be something to see the rock in the tank..........

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