Coral Tank from Canada (1350gal Display Tank)

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I'm looking forward to seeing another top notch build from Canada! It seems us Canucks are not well represented in the reefing world! :)
I hear you guys have access to some pretty amazing specimens in the GTA; quite a contrast to w hat we get access to here in Winnipeg.

Keep up the good work! I'm looking forward to seeing this up and running!


Actually Tyler I haven't seen the quality and diversity of product in the GTA. Its actually a major concern for my build. I'm thinking I may have to get a custom order from one of the marine farms in the Thai/Philippines region to get what I want.

Thanks for the kind words. Just remember it took us something like fifty years(I think, maybe more) to win our first gold on home soil..........we still have allot to do in this arena but at least this journey does have a destination in mind!!

Subscribed! (and I don't subscribe to many...)

My next visit to TO will have to be extended by a day!

I would love to hear what skimmer you've chosen for that system. I would recommend you look at some of the commercial systems built by R2K....but maybe you've decided already.

Did you mention something like "view from the above floors"? I couldn't reconcile that with the photos.

Thanks for the support. My skimmer for the main display tank arrives this weekend. All I know at this point is that it is eight feet high and self cleaning. The view from the other floors will become clear when I get the time to bring in the next chapter on the overall design philosophy from the begining. My problem is that I can only seem to type about three characters an hour so its gonna take time!!


Its going to be very interesting and fun to watch you build this monster. I would assume the basement will be finished around the same time as the tank? Is the MARS system to hold all fish/coral in QT? Do you run geothermal in the house?

Thanks Reefaquariumnut, the basement/renovation will and is planned to finish before major activities begin on the main display tank. The fish room on the other hand is another story and I am very involved with that phase at the moment.

The QT is separate from the "Mars Bars" as I call them. One of the main uses of the Mars systems is to manage the coral to optomize the managed result in the main display tank. This I have learned from my friend Chingchai. Oh yeah, one of the bars is for raising fish candidates for the main display tank.

I wanted to run geothermal and in fact had initiated a project when I was informed that my requirements would have been too great for the size of the footprint so I had to back off.......more on that one later!!

Can't wait to see the progression - It is a monster! Congratulations!

anything that requires a crane has got to be good.
looking forward to the progression of this large project.

Just wow....nice tank. We want to see more pictures. :-)

Thank you all for your interest and support. This is all new to me and as I have noted I am a terribly slow typist so I need to figure out the balance between answering questions and documenting the activities in the tank. For the life of me I don't know how Chingchai did it!!!!!!!!

Well I must say that your tank is what I have had in the back of my mind should I ever move and decide to consolidate everything into one system. I am anxious to see the progression. As a landscape contractor I must say that your landscaping is also something amazing and picturesque, then I saw your generator and paver driveway and immediately wished that I would have used that paver for my driveway last year. You seem to have great taste in everything you do. Real class!

Thanks Jim, the truth is that I can not take any credit whatsoever for the gardens. They are my wife's pervue and hers alone. She has the talent and I am blessed with the result. She would be pleased with your recognition and those of others on this thread. She is not interested in anything to do with computers/ doesn't have an email address and in fact would not know how to turn one on, but, she sure as hell knows her gardens!!!!!!

I look forward to having you along for the ride.


What are you going to use for in tank flow? Closed loop, surge tank, power heads? I am really looking forward to seeing this dream come to life! You might want to think about opening it to the public and charging admission! :rollface:

Its both closed and open with enough water movement planned to reverse Niagara Falls but that is a separate chapter. Stay tuned.

Love the landscaping! It looks similar to what our's should look like when done...

Awesome, I know what it takes to get there or at least my wife does. Please don't tell her you are helping your wife, I will never hear the end of it.

Its both closed and open with enough water movement planned to reverse Niagara Falls but that is a separate chapter. Stay tuned.


peter please dont reverse the falls as im directly in the next best path for all that water to go over the escarpment and down into Lewiston------> Lake Ontario:jester: my answer on balance of build threads Q/A is respond to relevant Q's only and leave the comments to a general thank you. I felt bad doing this at first but it was the only way i could get progress info in.
Hi Peter
This is truly going to be a TOTM one day. It's so nice to see a big tank thread
from Canada. One thing I would like to ask, Did you buy your Rock from ORG or did you imported it directly?
If you need any help with this build let me know. I'm just around the corner
(Mississauga). We hobbies like to give a helping hand.:)

Hi Peter
This is truly going to be a TOTM one day. It's so nice to see a big tank thread
from Canada. One thing I would like to ask, Did you buy your Rock from ORG or did you imported it directly?
If you need any help with this build let me know. I'm just around the corner
(Mississauga). We hobbies like to give a helping hand.:)


Its coming direct ..........Thanks for the offer, I will reach out at some point because I suspect there will be a likelyhood to call for advice before I plant the last frag.....

Wow Peter! This is amazing!!!! I love the idea of the L shaped tank with viewing from multiple levels.

What a great tribute and what a great trip this build will be!

Cant wait to see it come together...
Chris, thank you very much. I am looking forward to the journey as well. The feedback from everyone has been energizing and motivating to say the least.

Your tank is bigger than my house. Loving it. Your home is beautiful too. Glad to see something like this in North America.
go canada
or should i say go peter.
excellent build.

go to oakville quite located in streetsville,if you ever need a hand dont be scared to ask.

Good God, I just realized I have a 120G nano for a tank! :crazy1:

Are you using any local "reef" talent for this build (be it working or consulting) or is it all your baby?

Tagging along...

WOW!!! Now this is a crazy cool build! SUBSCRIBED!!!!

Good luck with everything, hope everything goes smoothly.
Cheers :beer:
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