Coral Tank from Canada (1350gal Display Tank)

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thanks for the thorough response, Peter. For a second I thought you were going to "install" four separate "L" shaped tanks, each representing its own reefer-style influenced island. i have spent countless hours admiring the tanks of the reefers that you mentioned, so cannot wait to see your progress! good luck!
Hi Peter,
I have to say this is the most incredible build thread I have ever seen.
I can only begin to imagine how much planning and research that must have gone into this project.
Keep up the great work ! I will be watching things progress, and learning lots from this thread.

P.s We are almost neighbours... I live in Stoney Creek, Ontario.

Actually I was in Stoney Creek for dinner on sat. Thanks for the praise, there is still a long way to go but you are right, I spent a year on Reef Central doing nothing but soaking up experience and knowledge as well a sidelines of research along the way. There is no way to do this part time!!!!

How did you ultimatley decide to handle all the rock and storing it until you get the tank wet? I am looking forward to this build.

The wife and I decided when I upgraded to a 280G that we would design our next house around the tank. :D

see below, and your goal is the way to go although it is like having a child as far as the commitment goes.

peter this just may top the puddle. By the way i think i can see your house from my back deck over looking the niagara escarpment. if not yet i will definatly be able to pick it out after dark when all those lights are giving off that 20k blue color we all love so much.

Well I have something very special for you ...... I have installed a special high intensity LED system that is identical to the product used to light up the CN tower. The rational is be in a position to absolutely emulate the light colour, intensity and frequency for the sunlight and moonlight over the Coral Sea to help my corals adjust to their new home.

Whatch for the glow in the near future!!!!

Thanks for the support,

I started my first tank this week, a meer 55g :) but as far as "part time" i know what you mean, i keep researching and learning.

As far as your tank and word....Subscribed!
How did you ultimatley decide to handle all the rock and storing it until you get the tank wet? I am looking forward to this build.

The wife and I decided when I upgraded to a 280G that we would design our next house around the tank. :D

Sorry I should have said above not below......its in my answer to Jeff.

Peter, your views of the hobby are inspirational. The foundation you have laid speaks volume of your character, undoubtedly this will be a journey for the masses to conform and become a part of. As a fellow Canadian Oakvillian (I spent a good part of my life on the corner of Thrid line and Lakeshore) :) you have filled me with pride. Perhaps down the road I will fly into Toronto to visit the family and if you would be so kind, take a quick tour of your of your reef. A spin down Lakeshore in the GT would be cool... kidding, I dont want to push my luck! ;) I look forward to the progression. Oh one question, I dont know if i just missed it, but, who are the other two islands dedicated to?

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Wonderful start to a build. Your generator purchase is a great idea and will add a lot of peace of mind through the years. I never understand 10s of thousands for tank set ups and not spending 4 grand on a good back up generator.

Does the crane belong to you or did you pick it up from the local Rent All?:lolspin:

Its amazing on how this hobby makes you insane!!! But in a very good way!

Awesume Guy, Totally incredible. Im speakless....:bounce2:
Peter. Your build thread do inspire me.
I wish I can go bigger (just another dream).:lolspin:

Just one question:
Do you have any link or homepage of "Mars system"?
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