Coral Tank from Canada (1350gal Display Tank)

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Peter. Congratulation.
Way to go!

Thank you Chingchai, I think everyone who is part of this community knows very well we owe this honour to you. You are the precident to all our dreams for this hobby. Thank you for your example, we are all better for it.

Your friend

Brian, thank you very much. I was cookin up some new SW for my live rock and felt that I was not doing it alone but that the community that has formed around this thread was there helping John and I get everything ready. The upside is that because of this forum I am doing the right thing. The downside is that I'm convinced that because of this community I'm never going to sleep again. I sort of feel like I've just entered the twilight zone. I smells very very fishy to me.............

But thank you for the honour..........


It's well deserved! Now let's see some water in that tank :D.
It's well deserved! Now let's see some water in that tank :D.

Map to water...........

Live rock temp storage Done

Pool Table install with Light Done and tested!!!

fish room equipment layout and systems test In Process

tap water open and closed tank system test.

salt water :celeb2:

Congratualations Peter----can't think of a better thread to pass the torch onto from last month

Thanks Scott, best way to honour your accomplishment would be for more material for your thread to come from this community.

I have such a huge effort to catch up to you folks :spin3:

Thanks very much.......

fish room equipment layout and systems test In Process


Enough fanfare... let's see some pics, "warts & all" :) We're anxious to see how you modified the Mars Bars from their former "stock Walmart" configuration.

I may have missed it, but was there a master plan for the use of these fish room tanks, or are they just utilitarian?
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