Coral-Vite whatcha' guys thinkin' eh?


New member
hey lately Ive been looking for a good multi purpose general additive to pump up some general levels...

What have you guys experienced with this stuff.???

Im thinking its alright due to the fact that its NOT SUPPOSE to have complex organics...

Let me know what you guys think!
Amphiphiron and I have been debating this one. He thinks it does nothing. I'm not sure. I can say it has no sugar in it, unlike some miracle additives. I have used it regularly for a month and am seeing growth and color in two rehab acro projects and a voracious plate coral, and my calcium demand has gone from 1/2 tsp every 4 days to 2 tsp a day...but then at 4-5 months of age, my tank may just be 'settling in.' I can say my corals suck Coral Vite up: they go into feeding mode and seem happy with it. I bought a fair amount of it, so I will definitely go on using it. The only thing I can see negative is that I am getting bubble algae, but the rest of the story is that I had (to get rid of thriving nasty hitchhiker grape caulerpa) a rabbitfish, who put it all away and sent it into the tank nutrients before he departed to the lfs. So I rather think that algae is the gift of the caulerpa and the rabbit, not Coral Vite.
i have been using it for about 4 weeks. the first week i went through the whole bottle, the samll bottle. then i waited a week and bought a couple more bottles. i now dose abot 3 cap fulls a day into my 180 SPS tank. i am gonna try doubleing the does and see what happens. soo far i have noticed a little better color on some things and some better PE.

Bogg, this is from Kent Marine. There are two products, Kent Coral Vite and Kent Reef Essentials. They are both reef micro-mineral doses, but the first is more particularly targeted at corals. What I bought was dose packs of both, from Foster Smith. I thought I was getting five each, which I thought would carry me about a month. What I did get was five PACKS of each, each of which has four or five doses for my size tank (52g), and it recommends using it in alternation, so since it does no harm and possibly good, I think I am going to be using it for a bit. ;) So far so good, but difficult to define, because of the youth of my tank, whether the change is natural progression of a young tank suddenly starting to demand calcium, or whether it did kick it into high gear. Amphiprion says he hasn't noted a great improvement from his using it. I've seen a change, but I can't prove one way or the other what caused it. I just have a lot of it and see no reason not to go on using it.
Things happen differently in different tanks. Even though I don't necessarily believe in its use, I am still interested, so keep us all updated.